Thanx much Walter. I do appreciate your taking the time for this. Now,
if I can somehow get this translated to perl I'll be good to go.

On Mar 15, 10:28 am, Walter Lee Davis <> wrote:
> I can show you how I do this in PHP, not Perl but a cousin.
> <?php
> require_once('');
> foreach($_POST['sort_list'] as $k=>$v){
>         if($product = ActiveRecord::FindById('products',$v)) {
>                 $product->position = $k+1;
>                 $product->save();
>         }}
> print 'finished';
> ?>
> This relies on the following HTML:
> <div id="message" style="display:none"></div>
> <ul id="sort_list">
> <li id="product_1">Product 1</li>
> ...etc... (each product ID'd according to the rules for sortable)
> </ul>
> And JavaScript:
> Sortable.create('sort_list',{
>         onUpdate: function(){
>                 new Ajax.Request('ajax_update_position.php',{
>                         parameters: Sortable.serialize('sort_list'),
>                         evalScripts:true,
>                         onCreate: function(transport){
>                                 $('message').show().update('<img 
> src="Resources/spinner.gif" height="16" width="16" alt="" />');
>                         },
>                         onComplete: function(transport){
>                                 $('message').update('Changes saved!');
>                                 new Effect.Highlight('message');
>                                 new Effect.Fade('message',{delay:1});
>                         }
>                 })
>         }
> });
> This is a really old example, I would probably write this all much more 
> cleanly now (and I'd be doing it in Rails anyway) but this works very solidly.
> Walter
> On Mar 10, 2012, at 1:52 PM, Dave wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I began experimenting with the 'sortables' and really like the 4th
> > version. I'm extracting the list from a MySql db to build the list and
> > all works fine but how do I get the results back into the database
> > after the sort? I'm using perl--need this for a cgi script. Thanx.
> > --
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