Hey All,

My need is to create a easy approval process for what could be a handful of
"subscribers" up to 1000's of "subscribers".

The idea thus far is to create a table that has (and needs) only a few
columns of information:
RecordID (hidden)  |  Approved [checkbox]  |  Subscriber Name (read_only
text)  |  Subscriber City/State (read_only text)

<refrain ad nausem 'x' times>

What I want to do is to allow the user to CHECK/UNCHECK the check box and
that event will call an ajax function that will submit the RecordID and
Approved box[checked/unchecked]

I don't want to submit ALL rows, only the row that was just clicked.
I'm pretty sure the FormObserver is the wrong way to go
I'm pretty sure the $('approved').observe('change', xxx); isn't right
either as that could create 1000's of observers

I could do an onchange event for each checkbox... but if I do that, how do
I serialize two fields of data?

Advice please....


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