Hello folks,

I've been trying out script.aculo.us, specifically the slider, and I came 
across a strange behavior, to wich I don't know if its a bug or a feature.

The code I try is the following

new Control.Slider( ..... , {
     range: $R(-100, 100),
     sliderValue: 0,

In this case, the slider starts at the left most value (-100) as in 
slider.js, line 74 the following code is used to get the current handle 

// Initialize handles in reverse (make sure first handle is active)
this.handles.each( function(h,i) {
    i = slider.handles.length-1-i;
        (Object.isArray(slider.options.sliderValue) ?
        slider.options.sliderValue[i] : slider.options.sliderValue) ||
        slider.range.start), i);
    h.makePositioned().observe("mousedown", slider.eventMouseDown);

When given 0 as a start value, it ends up doing

slider.setValue(parseFloat( 0 || slider.range.start), i);

and as 0 is a falsy value, it always default to slider range start value.
The following is an easy (maybe not so elegant) fix to this "problem"

// Initialize handles in reverse (make sure first handle is active)
this.handles.each( function(h,i) {
    i = slider.handles.length-1-i;
    // avoids false positives when range value is falsy (such as 0)
    var slVal = Object.isArray(slider.options.sliderValue) ? 
slider.options.sliderValue[i] : slider.options.sliderValue;
    slider.setValue(parseFloat( Object.isNumber(slVal) ? slVal : 
slider.range.start , i));
    h.makePositioned().observe("mousedown", slider.eventMouseDown);

What I would like to know is if this is a bug, or if it is expected 
behavior, and if it is a bug, how may I submit the solution once I report 
the bug.


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