Out of a sudden over night with no configuration change at all it worked...

Am 23.12.17 um 19:18 schrieb Julian Zielke:
Hi, I'm having issues running an external script.


script variable is: EXTERNAL_SCRIPT            /scripts/banip.sh SRCIP;

The first line of my script (aside from /bin/sh is:

echo "Reporting ${1} to blocklist.de" | logger -t psad

However, the script isn't run nd syslog doesn't show me anything, while psad says:

Dec 23 19:10:18 xxxxx psad: scan detected (Nmap -sT or -sS scan): xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -> xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx tcp: Ä21-8080Å flags: SYN tcp pkts: 58 DL: 2

Dec 23 19:10:18 xxxxx psad: added iptables auto-block against xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx for 3600 seconds

So it obviously sees my test scan and should run the script, however it does not.

Perms for my script and it's folder are root:root 0750

Would be nice to solve this issue.

- Julian

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