On Tue, Nov 20, 2007 at 10:52:08AM -0800, Andrew Greenberg wrote:
> > So what was the dead on sample rate of the IMU packets?
> 2.5 ksps for the X, Y, Z and XY accelerometers
> 833 Hz for the roll, pitch and yaw gyros.
> > When will the next meeting be?  This is Thanksgiving week you know.
> Huh. I'd say next Wednesday, but Maria is calling for a movie night
> during dead week.... it might be 11/28, but probably more realistically
> 12/5.

12/5 works well for me too :)

> Andrew
> -- 
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>        Andrew Greenberg - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - 503.788.1343
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

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