Hi everyone,


High-fives to Andrew, Jeremy, and Eric for representing PSAS at the OROC
meeting tonight! A short BOD meeting was held following the normal business
part of the meeting regarding the PSAS July 20 launch. You guys are now GOOD
TO GO for this launch, pending the following:


1.       An L3 flyer must be present at the launch to sponsor the N motor
flight. By July 20, that should (hopefully) be Dave and myself. 

2.       The rocket must be launched in compliance with all TRA safety rules
and regulations. 

3.       The waiver must be activated with all NOTAMs in place and both
Fighter Wings (Portland and KFalls) notified. Alan Hammond and I will take
care of this. 

4.       No sparky motors will be allowed. (See below.) 

5.       Proper fire suppression equipment must be available. This was the
biggest concern within the OROC BOD, as the launch site will be very hot and
dry by mid-July. 


I think that should do it.fly away!!


If anyone plans to bring their OWN rockets/motors to fly at this launch,
contact me off-list!



Wilson Alness

OROC Secretary 


Wilson Alness

 <mailto:waln...@pdx.edu> waln...@pdx.edu



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