Hi everyone! It's officially T-1 week until launch. The good news is
that we're light years ahead of T-1 week last year. The bad news is
there's still a lot to do. Here's the relatively hectic schedule:

Sunday 7/12, 1pm - late in FAB 84: **Avionics and Software hack day**

- Data streaming, from sensor to telemetry viewer
- Firmware all the things!!!
- RasPi video capture and streaming
- Startup scripts / automatic behaviors on boot
- Payload bay cleanup

Monday 7/13, 7pm - 10pm, FAB 84: **Parachute packing!**

- Pack the parachutes
- Test parachutes, maybe off the EB staircase
- Pack the parachutes for flight

Tuesday 7/14, 7pm - late, FAB 84: **Logistics and Go/No Go Meeting!**

- Go/no go decision (probably go!)
- Weekend schedule description and Q&A
- Logistics to get out there (rideshare, etc), timing, equipment, etc.
- Put together nose cone, NSR, chutes, line cutters, and recovery module
- Install ARTS + Telemetrum for flight in the payload module, and test
- Stack all of the modules, and turn everything on and off
- Software testing

Wednesday 7/15 7pm - late, FAB 84: **Software!**

- Keep polishing software/firmware
- Comm test? Drop test?

Thursday 7/16 7pm - late, FAB 84: **Software!**

- Keep polishing software/firmware
- Comm test? Drop test?

Friday 7/17 noon - late, multiple locations: **Pack for flight!**

- Pick up RV and trailer
- Pack everything for launch, with checklists
- Bring everything over to Dave's so we can leave early Saturday

.... so put on your rocket hats, it's going to be an intense week!


Andrew Greenberg

Electrical and Computer Engineering
Portland State University
a...@ece.pdx.edu  C: 503.708.7711

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