Hi everyone!

Instead of our regular PSAS meeting, we have a special guest lecturer.
Please come, and bring your friends and other fellow space nerds! The
room can only fit about 100 people, so please arrive early!

Speaker: Les Johnson, author and NASA NIAC manager

Location: Smith Memorial Student Union (SMSU) room 294

Time: 7:00pm on Tuesday April 18th, 2017

Title: New Technologies to Enable Next Generation Space Exploration


Low-cost space launch, combined with innovative small spacecraft, have
the potential to revolutionize space science and exploration.  The one
area that is keeping this next generation of small spacecraft from
moving beyond near-Earth space is propulsion.  Physicist, author and
NASA technologist Les Johnson will describe the latest new space
propulsion technologies and their applications for both near-, mid- and
far-term space missions.

See you there!


Andrew Greenberg

Electrical and Computer Engineering
Portland State University
a...@ece.pdx.edu  C: 503.708.7711

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