Hey y'all,

We should have some sort of regular time that we do thermal/structure stuff
for OreSat. Here's a poll for that

I think we should try to give priority to the antenna capstone team, since
they should be doing most of the work on the thermal/structure stuff this

So, this poll is to try and figure out a *recurring* time to convene,
choose tasks, and be ashamed of our slacking. The times for November 12,
for example, are not for November 12 specifically; they're for Sundays in
general. The same goes for the other days in the poll.

For reference, the ECE/CS components of OreSat have their meeting from 2 to
about 4:30 on Fridays. The leadership meeting is every other week at 2 on
Sundays. And of course, the general meeting is at 7 on Tuesdays. (It would
be cool if we could be make one of the Tues/Fri/Sun meetings grow an extra

Here's a link to the relevant Zulip stream
<https://psas.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/OreSat-deployable-antennas>, for
anyone who isn't using that yet.

-- Joe Shields <https://joedang.github.io/>
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