Hello team,

I received this email earlier, and I think this would be a great
opportunity for PSAS to do some outreach. I'll see if I can't get Lisa to
consolidate to just one or two times, and will create a doodle poll based
on that, but is anyone particularly interested in volunteering for a
classroom visit?

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Lisa Veatch <lvea...@pps.net>
Date: Mon, Sep 17, 2018, 10:38 AM
Subject: High School Outreach
To: c...@pdx.edu <c...@pdx.edu>


My name is Lisa Veatch and I am a high school teacher in Portland.  I met
some members of PSAS this weekend at OMSI’s Mini Maker Fair.  I asked if
your group would be interested in outreach or visiting my school to talk
about your engineering process and design.  The guys I spoke with gave me
your name and address.

One of my classes, an astronomy class focusing on planets in our solar
system, is currently working on a project where they are supposed to plan a
mission for an orbiter or rover to visit another planet (or large moon) and
collect environmental data.  Since PSAS is literally designing and building
a mission, I saw an instant reason for us to get together.  I am very
interested in demonstrating a real-world example of using materials,
incorporating sensors and tools, how communication happens between an
off-world device and people on the ground, and an overview of the
engineering design process.

Some of my students have questions about the materials needed to make a
mission successful.  For example, a student just asked me how cameras are
made to survive in space- something I know applied directly to your OreSat
mission.  She wants to know what special steps are taken to keep us from
needing to replace parts every few weeks as debris and rocks fly past.
Others are wondering how something could be made to survive on an
environment as extreme as Venus or Pluto- something that may be beyond the
scope of your work.

It would be super great if you could visit us.  My planetology classes are
8:30-9:40 and 9:54-11:04 on M, T, Th, F and 10-10:49 and 10:53-11:42 on
Wednesdays.  They run for the next three weeks, ending on October 4th.
Even something as simple as one or two people showing up with some parts,
like what you had at OMSI, and being able to answer questions about them
would be out-of-this-world amazing.

I look forward to hearing from you.  I hope we can connect very soon.


Lisa Veatch

Science Teacher

Alliance HS at Meek
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