Hey all, it's Google Summer of Code time again!

For those not familiar with it, Google Summer of Code is a mentoring program where Google provides stipends to pay students to work with selected open source organizations. Python has participated for many years now, and we're hoping to be selected to participate again. We operate as an "umbrella org" that supports a variety of Python-related projects as well as sponsoring projects related to the development of the Python language.

The PSF page with all the info is http://python-gsoc.org/

One of the things we have to do to apply is have a bunch of interesting ideas for students to work on and a bunch of mentors who are excited about working with students.

We're currently taking applications for project ideas for Core Python projects and also applications for new (or experienced!) "sub-organizations" who want to submit collections of ideas related to their specific projects.

If you're interested, all the information on mentoring or signing up as a sub-org is here: http://python-gsoc.org/#mentors

Please email gsoc-adm...@python.org if this sounds like something you'd like to do, or you have questions that you don't want to ask on this mailing list!

Our organization application needs to be ready by Feb 7, but if we're accepted by Google we'll be able to take new sub-orgs through the end of February until shortly before the student applications open. There are already students looking for ideas to work on, so getting things ready early means you get to pick from some of the best and most proactive students!


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