Por favor Marcelo, não mande textos com letras tão pequenas, simplemente,
não as leio.

On 2/4/07, Marcelo D'Elia Branco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Em Dom, 2007-02-04 às 17:10 +0100, Alberto Barrionuevo escreveu:

Hi all,
FYI from our collaborators of SoftwareLivre in Brazil here comes aletter from 
Maddog to ISO representative:
Additionally good news: Holland asks to reject 
 [in NL]
And things are hot in Belgium also:http://www.zdnet.be/news.cfm?id=65093 [in 
And getting so warm in France (text from FFII France President):                ---        - APRIL 
(French Free Software Association) has sent a letter to        AFNO (fr        representant at 
ISO) :        http://www.april.org/groupes/institutions/20070202-AFNOR.pdf [in        FR]          
      - Bernard Carayon (MP of government party->PPE) has asked a        written        
question to the Minister of Industry, pointing at the conflict        of this        fasttrack 
adoption of OOXML with the recommandation of Open        Document        Format in the General 
Referential on Interoperability (a        government        initiative to "impose" open 
standard for public documents, it        was backed        by CCIA in an open letter        
http://www.ffii.fr/IMG/pdf/RGI-06-2006.pdf) <http://www.ffii.fr/IMG/pdf/RGI-06-2006.pdf%29> 
 [in FR both]        ---
---Maddog letter to ISO---Dear Mr. Bryden,
It has come to my attention that ECMA 376 is under Fast-Track processingas an 
ISO specification. This is in regards to the OpenXMLspecification, which is 
over 6000 pages long. Microsoft has submittedthis as a Fast-Track submission to 
ISO and is ramming it through.
The review period was only a month, and given the fact that people inthat short 
time have found several objections:

Em Dom, 2007-02-04 às 16:34 +0100, Marcelo D'Elia Branco escreveu:

Manifestação do Maddog sobre o OpenXML
Enviado por Jomar Silva *Contactei o Maddog alertando-o sobre o tema do
OpenXML na ISO e ele enviou o e-mail abaixo reproduzido, com sua
autorização, ao secretário da ISO.*
*Chegou a hora para que a comunidade se manifeste em relação ao aceite do
OpenXML como padrão pela ISO.*

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