Disso aí eles podem ficar com a patente, eu deixo. ;-)

Deve ser sinal da troca de liderança na MS... disseram que o novo cara
(CEO) da MS sabia sobre as novas políticas mercadológicas surgidas com
a internet.... Esqueceram apenas de avisar que ele se referia a
Banners, Pop-ups, Spams e outras técnicas de "marketing" da nova

2007/2/13, Hudson Lacerda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Microsoft patent to make ads disable computer

 From Wikinews, the free news source you can write!

February 11, 2007

On December 29th 2005, Microsoft applied for a patent that allows the
operating system to require users to pay attention to ads shown on their
computers. According to the patent, a user will be asked to identify her
/ himself to a webcam or provide some data regarding the advertisement
to be entered. The technology that is part of this patent is meant to
give Microsoft the right to repossess one's computer if one does not pay
attention to advertisements.

Hudson Lacerda - http://br.geocities.com/hfmlacerda

microabc - free microtonal music software

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