On May  8, 2007, "Leonardo Rodrigues de Mello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> De novo?

>> ;-)

>> Qts vezes você pode virar Open Source?

> pablo vc leu a notícia ?

> a sun tinha liberado parte do java e era sob a licença CDDL. agora
> eles liberarao totalmente o JDK sob a licença GPL, com exceção de
> partes que possuem o copyright de outras pessoas ou empresas.

Então, a Sun já tinha liberado o código do interpretador/compilador
JIT sob a GPL, com permissões adicionais.

Agora, ela liberou *parte* da biblioteca.


  There are just a few pieces of code that we got from outside of Sun
  that we don't have the right to distribute under GPL. Those bits of
  encumbered code are there but as binary plugs, so you can still
  build a working JDK.


  OpenJDK source
    openjdk-7-ea-src-b12-06_may_2007.zip, 78.05 MB (MD5 Checksum)

  Java™ programming language compiler source
    compiler-7-ea-src-b12-06_may_2007.zip, 2.71 MB (MD5 Checksum)

  Not all of the source code that makes up the JDK is available under
  an open-source license. In order to build an OpenJDK binary from
  source code, you must first download and install one or more of the
  following files from which the build process will copy over "binary
  plugs" for these encumbered components.

  Linux self-extracting Jar file
    jdk-7-ea-plug-b12-linux-i586-06_may_2007.jar, 74.95 MB (MD5 Checksum)

Cacilda!, é praticamente o tamanho do OpenJDK source!

A impressão que dá é que ainda falta libertar *muita* coisa :-(

P: Quantas conferêncais JavaOne demora pra libertar um JDK?

Alexandre Oliva         http://www.lsd.ic.unicamp.br/~oliva/
FSF Latin America Board Member         http://www.fsfla.org/
Red Hat Compiler Engineer   [EMAIL PROTECTED], gcc.gnu.org}
Free Software Evangelist  [EMAIL PROTECTED], gnu.org}
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