[Desculpem-me as eventuais duplicatas]

Para quem é estudante de doutorado, convido a ler e a contribuir para
divulgação da Chamada de Trabalhos do Doctoral Consortium  da
principal conferência acadêmica internacional da área de Software Livre
(código aberto, sistemas abertos e ecossistemas colaborativos de software):
The International Conference on Open Source Systems

Em 2017, a OSS Conference será em Buenos Aires, junto com o ICSE
(International Conference on Software Engineering), a mais importante
conferência de Engenharia de Software do mundo.

Esperamos que a comunidade brasileira possa aproveitar esta oportunidade.
Em breve, serão abertas as chamadas para vários excelentes workshops dentro
da OSS 2017.

Doctoral Consortium at the 13th International Conference on Open Source

- Abstracts due: February 20, 2017
- Submissions due: February 24, 2017
- Author notification: March 29, 2017
- Camera-ready copy due: May 1, 2017
- Consortium: May 22-23, 2017

* http://oss2017.lifia.info.unlp.edu.ar/blog/index.php/doctoral-consortium

Come join us on beautiful Buenos Aires, Argentina, to participate in the
world's most important academic conference on Free and Open Source Software!

# Goal

The goal of the doctoral consortium is to provide PhD students with an
environment in which they can share and discuss their goals, methods and
results of their research. During the doctoral consortium students will
give a presentation of their current progress. The doctoral consortium
provides students with feedback on their work from other students and
faculty members, allowing them to enhance their own research proposal.

# Scope

The scope of research topics of the doctoral consortium is the same as for
the main conference. Therefore, we invite submissions related to all forms
of open initiatives. Submissions may discuss any aspects of open source
including, but not limited to software engineering, social and cultural,
diffusion and deployment, legal and economic issues.

Students who submit a paper to the doctoral consortium should have decided
on a research topic or topic area, and have a proposal for an appropriate
research method. Preferably, students should be at least a year from
completion of their research in order to be able to incorporate the
feedback obtained during the consortium in their dissertation.

# Acceptance

Accepted papers will be included in the proceedings of the Doctoral
Consortium. Submitting a paper to the Doctoral Consortium represents the
author’s agreement to allow the Doctoral Consortium Chairs to publish the
paper in the Doctoral Consortium proceedings without compensation to the
author. The parties understand that the author is granting a nonexclusive
license and all copyrights remain the property of the author.

Authors of accepted papers are required to register for and attend the
doctoral consortium. They will also be asked to give a presentation on
their work for about 20 minutes, which will be followed by a 20 minutes
discussion during which students are given feedback on their work by
faculty members and other students.

# NSF Travel Support

A grant from the US National Science Foundation (NSF) will support travel
for a few US-based students to attend the doctoral consortium. Selection
will be based on the reviews of the submitted proposal. Applications from
members of underrepresented groups are particularly encouraged.

# Organizing chairs

- Imed Hammouda, Chalmers and University of Gothenburg, Sweden
- Gregory R. Madey, University of Notre Dame, USA

Paulo Meirelles
FGA-UnB (http://fga.unb.br)
CCSL-IME/USP (http://ccsl.ime.usp.br)
psl-brasil mailing list
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