I'll definitely test this for you.  Do you have a download URL for the trial
V6, please?

Best wishes.

Tim Burgess
Raised Bar Ltd
Phone:  +44 (0)1827 719822

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-----Original Message-----
From: ptaccess@googlegroups.com [mailto:ptaccess@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
Of Nickus de Vos
Sent: 19 May 2011 12:42
To: Pro Tools Accessibility
Subject: Cubase accessibility

Hi all this is off topic but some might find it useful. I said a while back
that I'm going to try cubase and neuendo on mac to check if one of the two
is accessible. I have had the chance to test cubase 5 on a system but it had
OS 5.8.3 obviously with a older version of voiceover so cubase didn't work.
A couple of days ago I contacted steinberg who makes cubase and neuendo
asking them if they tested one of their products for accessibility. I got a
reply today, it's not as useful as I hoped but the guy told me that the new
Cubase 6 is now a coco application where cubase 5 was only modified to work
on mac, its core wasn't coco. Because of this he said, cubase6 might be
accessible and that I should get the trail version and test it however my
employers where I have access to macs would not allow me to install it on
their machines to test. So if there's anybody with some time and willingness
to test cubase 6 with voiceover, please do and let us know what results you

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