Hi Juan,

How are you going to make the recordings? What I mean is, what are you
going to control with your control serface?

If you already have a Mac, you could get Pro Tools and a control
serface for well under $1200.

If you did that, I'm fairly sure you can control the EQ that you get
inside Pro Tools From your control serface.

So you wouldn't need a sepparate hardware EQ unless you wanted one.

Just my 2 cents worth. Let us know a bit more about what you want to
record and I'm sure those who know more than me can help you out.

On 7/15/11, Juan Pablo <jpcula...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> Firstly, sorry for this question that not regard protools.
> I'm searching for a control surface and hardware graphic equalicer to conect
> on the Controler. I work with nature recording and my intention is set
> parameters, marks selections, equalization without to go in the menus. While
> I listening the recording I pretend perform these tasks.
> Is possible conect a eq hardware in a control surface? My budget is prety
> short (about 1200 USD.
> Thanks a lot,
> Juan.

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