To create a new track, press command shift n, then set your
parameters. It's the first 3 that'll interest you, the number of
tracks, mono or stereo, and type, all the rest is somewhat

Remember also, if you're creating an audio track, which will contain
something like a vocal, or guitar, which you're DIing, you want to set
it to mono, even though the final result will be stereo. This is
because the signal is mono. Any fx you want to be stereo, you'll need
to put on an aux track, at least this is the way I understand it, and
it's what I do, and it works great.

Any instrument tracks etc, want to be stereo.


On 27/09/2011, Kevin Reeves <> wrote:
> Hey Chris. To rename a track, interact with the tracks table and Vo shift M
> on the track you want to rename. On the popup menu, go down to rename and
> type your new name in that dialog and hit return.
> Regarding automation, you could easily automate using the keyboard, but
> understand that the keyboard inputs fixed commands when you're moving a
> fader, so automating a fade or a pan will be somewhat choppy at best. You
> can indeed automate mutes and solos using the keyboard with the shift M and
> Shift S in the tracks table once you've set up the tracks to be automated.
> Hope this helps.
> Kevin

Take care,

Chris Norman.

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