Hiya again,
Sorry, I looked on Google, and couldn't find anything, except something about a 
keyboard commands mode, which i couldn't find.

I'm trying to nudge a bunch of audio, so here's what I did.

Acording to the net, if I press option + commands + numpad + or -, that'll 
increment or decrement my nudge value, which I did, no feedback from voiceover, 
so not sure if I've done that wrong. Next, I highlighted the audio, with numpad 
/ start, numpad / end, enter. The audio's definitely selected because it's 
showing up in the counter display in the edit window, and it's always worked 
before! :-)

Now again according to Google, and (what I thought I'd read) in the Pro Tools 
shortcuts file, numpad + and - should nudge the audio, but nothing.

What am I doing right? may be quicker to tell me what I'm doing right! LOL.

Anyways, cheers, and sorry, I'm sure this one's been put on a shite load of 


Take care,
Chris Norman
Email and MSN: chris.norm...@googlemail.com
Feel free to follow my music, either by following @cnproject on Twitter 
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