Hi Steve,

First thing to do is to only show that track you want to work on to avoid 

Next find the Track View selector button in the edit window for that track.
 VO space bar on the "Track View selector button" "and choose Volume"
Next Hit command 4 on the num pad to get in to the automation window and make 
sure that   Volume automation is checked.

Next scrub in the track and then hit "command A" to select the Volume for the 
entire track.
Now hit "Write to Current" the key command is "command slash"
This will write the currently displayed volume setting  across the whole track 
so when you write automation to that track it will return to the original 
volume you set.
Now find the section of your track you want to change the volume and set edit 
in and edit out points or in other words make a selection!
Change the volume fader for that track but do not hit play Un till you do this 
next step.

Hit the key command "Trim to Current" by hitting "command shift slash" this 
will set the track to that new volume change you chose only for the selected 
section of your track.

Bang your done hit play! :)
If you don't like hit command z! ;)
and try it again until you reach the desired level! LOL
Call me for fine details if you want.
I'm sure others have varying methods but this has been working for the past 11 
years for me?!

On Mar 18, 2012, at 2:55 PM, Steve Martin wrote:

> Hello,
> Been reading the manual trying to  figure out how to do automation snapshots. 
> Basically i have a project i am working on  that starts out with 2 
> instruments and i want to drop the volume of one when the third instrument 
> kick in. I cand so far see how to do fade in/out and volume automation using 
> the fader and moving it during playback. But is there a way to  set the 
> volume at specific levels and have it automatically snap to those different 
> levels during playback withough using the fader approach?

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