Hi Steve,
Here is what Slau said to me a while ago, it was at Snow Leopard time, but I 
guess it still works for Lion doesn't it?

Open the file in Preview. Make sure the view is continuous and single page.
Select the text Tool with Command-2.
Select all with Command-a and Copy all with Command-c.
Open Text Edit and paste. You'll be able to read through this text document 


Tell us if it works.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Steve Martin 
  To: ptaccess@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 1:57 PM
  Subject: Re: reading PT's documentation

  I have the PT 10 manual converted to RTF if anyone wants it drop me an email 
off list requesting it as its too large of an attachment to send to the list. I 
 should be able to convert the PT 9 manual as well if there is enough demand. 
That being said I used Kurzweil to do the conversion of the manual since i have 
it installed on my work laptop. Does anyone know of a utility for doing the 
same on the mac, that is free or inexpensive, and accessible? Yeah i am aware 
there is DocuScanPlus and i do plan on picking it up at some point, but there 
is gotta be away to get that functionality without spending $300 upfront.

  On Mar 27, 2012, at 8:56 AM, Slau Halatyn <slauhala...@gmail.com> wrote:

    Hey JP,

    The quirky thing about Preview is that, if you switch applications and come 
back to it, you'll be thrown back up to the top of the page. For this reason, 
perhaps it's better to export a text file and read in that manner. That said, 
I've always been a proponent of reading through the manual at least twice: once 
from beginning to end without stopping and the second time with Pro Tools in 
front of you while stopping to try some of the things that are being described.



    On Mar 25, 2012, at 12:02 PM, Jean-Philippe Rykiel wrote:

      Hi friends,
      I have to confess, I haven't done so much with pro tools since I got it. 
The reason is too much work with sonar and not enough time for experimenting.
      I'm going to start an intensive reading of ProTools manual now. That's 
why I need advice from you. What do you think is the most comfortable way of 
reading it? Is it best to convert PDF to RTF And use text edit? Or is preview 
blind user friendly enough?
      What are the best settings in preview then?
      Thanks for your help,


        ----- Original Message -----
        From: Slau Halatyn
        To: ptaccess@googlegroups.com
        Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2011 10:32 PM
        Subject: Re: reading PT's documentation

        Hey JP,

        Open the file in Preview. Make sure the view is continuous and single 
        Select the text Tool with Command-2.
        Select all with Command-a and Copy all with Command-c.
        Open Text Edit and paste. You'll be able to read through this text 
document easily.



        On Aug 4, 2011, at 4:01 PM, Jean-Philippe Rykiel wrote:

          Hi friends,
          Before starting to use PT, and  being already familiar with Sonar, I 
figured that the first thing  I should read to get me running is the PT 
shortcut's doc. But I'd like some advice about this.
          But most of all, I'm having a hard time with PDF documents 
understanding their structure and actually reading them efficiently.
          Is there maybe a software to convert PDF file into simple  text?
          thanks for your help.



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