You know how some keyboards have built in accompinimwent styles, where by, you chose the style you want, and turn auto-accompiniment mode on, then when you play a chord in your left hand, you don't even have to hold the chord down, you just press and release, and it then will fill in the drums, base, piano, etc. pattern for you? Then a corse, you can syncro start, or throw an intro, or variation fill A to B, or can throw an ending? Well, I'm wonderring if even with a 3rd party plug in, is there any way I can make an instrument track, etc. and then triggering the plugin from my keyboard via midi like I'd do with Xpand2, is there a way I could make this happen in PT? My keyboard does have some good styles in it, but they're getting kind a old. I'd like to expand a bit. Yeah, Xpand2 has the loops category, and the arpegeo category, but those are more poppy or more dance/electronicky than what I want. I'm wanting something where I could change chords and could ajust things like if I want a waltz beat, or say more a 12 bar blues kind a feel, etc.

I doubt PT or any R Tas plugin could do this, but I figured I'd at least ask. the worst you all could do is say no, there isn't anything, although as powerful as PT is, it would shock me beyond belief if there is no way.


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