Would you happen to know what the through port is used for though?


----- Original Message ----- From: "The Oreo Monster" <monkeypushe...@gmail.com>
To: <ptaccess@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2012 5:45 PM
Subject: Re: A couple of questions about instrumental music Arranging

ther is a stock chorus plug in under modulation under the fx list I have seen midi equipment with an out/through port but never a separate out and through port curious about that one myself now.
- T.O.M

On Apr 19, 2012, at 4:34 PM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland" <clgillan...@gmail.com> wrote:


I have a few questions, that I'd like as many of this answered as possible.

First of all, in PT, often times, what I'll do is I'll create an stereo instrument track, then on the insert of that track, I'll set up an xpand2 plugin, and set it on channel 1, as xpand2 allows for up to 4 channels per track, meaning you can have up to 4 layered voices in one go. But... that's neither here nor there. Anyway, I'll do that then trigger xpand2 from my keyboard through the midi interface. So, my question is, sometimes I'll also create a midi track, then create a stereo A U X input track, then on that A U X track, I'll put an Xpand2 plugin. Then I'll set the output path source of the midi track to Xpand2 channel 1. At that point, if I hit notes on the keyboard, I can easily hear and recorde them, provided my record enabled is armed on the midi track.

So, my question is, ultimately, is this a user preference sort a thing, or is there actually a true reason! for using a midi track over using an instrument track and if so, what are the situations where one would need to be used, specifically over the other?

Second of all, yesterday I was looking at a Yamaha Motif XF8. I noticed on the back left side of the keyboard I didn't just feel two! midi ports, but I felt 3 of them. The guy didn't know what it was for, but he said you had your midi in, and out, but that 3rd one I was questioning about was a midi through. I totally get the concept of the midi in, and out, but on any type of midi interface, be it a motif, or not, even just in general, what does the through allow you to do?

Finally, last question for now.

say I'm about to record a grand piano track, be it from an instrument track or through xpand2 on a midi track being piped through an A U X input. Either way, I can't find any stocked plugins in PT that can pop on an insert to give me chorus. So, if I want to add some chorus to my piano, how do I do that?



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