Hi Nick,
I agree!
Bring up the VoiceOver accessibility in a professional manor everywhere 
opportunity presents it self.
One of my Avid contacts calls it the "Dripping Tap Theory"
Anybody know who is the Avid CEO?
Talk soon

In GOD I Trust

On Jun 5, 2012, at 2:17 PM, Nick Gawronski wrote:

> Hi, I am on 10 and have installed all updates that have come out and have 
> been able to do things like add reverb to tracks as well as change the 
> settings for the plugins like the wet and dry settings.  I am also able to 
> use the presets in the reverb plugins and so am not totally sure what plugins 
> are having these accessibility issues.  I really think we should write avid 
> about these issues as if we don't make them aware of them they might break 
> them even more.  If they are doing any demos of products near where you live 
> I think you should go to the demos and talk to them about the accessibility 
> issues as if we can show them in person what issues we have they will 
> probably will understand better about the accessibility and get it fixed.  As 
> voiceover is built into the mac I see no real excuse as to why accessibility 
> should be ignored at this point.  Nick Gawronski
> On 6/4/2012 9:11 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
>> I just hope that Sweetwater will be willing to refund me, seeing that I
>> am on the 3 easy payments.
>> I do have a 10.0 dvd that I downloaded from the tiral. Didn't really
>> play much with it but would my Ilok assett work with it as well as 10.2?
>> Do you think Sweetwater could instead of upgrading me to 10.0, just
>> upgrade me to full fledged 9.0.5? I really don't wanna be tied to m
>> powered.
>> Chris.
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Kevin Reeves" <reeves...@gmail.com>
>> To: <ptaccess@googlegroups.com>
>> Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 9:56 PM
>> Subject: Re: I am not! happy! PT 10.2 Accessibility is broken badly!
>> The problem is, avid moves to a proprietary plug-in format called AA X.
>> We've all noticed that these AA X plug-ins are now broken. I'm not quite
>> sure what to do about this, but that is the reason that I'm not
>> upgrading to 10 yet. Because I had a demo of 10, and noticed that half
>> of the plug-ins didn't work that were a a x Hence why I'm sticking with
>> nine.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jun 4, 2012, at 9:08 PM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland"
>> <clgillan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> OK, either I am doing something royally wrong, I'm just totally!
>>> profusely stupid, or something...
>>> I! just upgraded to PT 10.2. This isn't M P like i had before. This is
>>> the full PT 10.2 standard.
>>> I'm finding that over half the plugins that natively come with PT do
>>> not read any longer hardly at all, I can't click the librarian menus
>>> in hardly any of the plugins, unless I literally route my mouse
>>> pointer, then actually not jsut vo+space, but full on click with
>>> vo+shift+space. Then, I can't reach any of the perametors to make fine
>>> tuned ajustments, rather than helping my vocals, it made them sound
>>> God aweful right out of the box, as it literally cut automatically so
>>> much of the low end that not only did it just naturally with no
>>> processing cut all the mud out, it cut so! much out that now my vocals
>>> are ear bleeding piercing! I thought with the e q 3/7 band plugin, I
>>> could maybe notch up the lows around 200hz a bit, but nope? I can't
>>> get to a single one of the controls in the plugin. If I press vo+space
>>> on a plugin window, it doesn't seem to close. Instead it just shits
>>> there and does nothing. Routing the mouse pointer then doing
>>> vo+shift+space isn't working either. If I hit command W, it closes the
>>> window behind it, which generally is the mix window, instead of
>>> closing the plugin. Pressing shift+R, shift+S, or shift+M on any
>>> selected tracks isn't working. Within a plugin the plugin combo box
>>> window is reported the incorrect plugin that is loaded. It's saying
>>> something about plugin package A A something or another native. The
>>> truth! is I actually! have the 3/7 band e Q window up instead.
>>> What the hell! is the deal! This R'r'r'r'really! pisses me off
>>> something fierce!
>>> Lookat: I got a band coming to do a real late night recording session.
>>> I can't do anything! They refuse to use p t 9 as some of the gear they
>>> use isn't compatible with my old m p 9 so I can't just reinstall that.
>>> Yeah? Of course! I restarted Voiceover. many? Many! times. It did no
>>> good.
>>> I even restarted my whole macbook, with no help.
>>> I'm on 10.7.4 Lion.
>>> What! on earth!
>>> If this is how pt's gonna become and evolve to, then I"m gowen back to
>>> Sonar! LOL! This is ridiculous!
>>> Chris.

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