Hiya mate,
I want to be able to record from as many different inputs as possible,
so 4 on the mBox, I'll hardly ever use more than that, and a bunch of
outputs, so I can have dedicated monitor mixes etc. I loved the way
the mBox Pro worked, and I'll probably get another one if the ProFire
isn't great, also, I'm in the UK, so I don't really want to be buying
stuff from the US LOL, but thank you for the offer.


On 11/07/2012, Kevin Reeves <reeves...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey man. What are you looking for in an interface? How many ins and outs?
> I'm currently selling 2 pieces. An M Audio Fasttrack Ultra, which has 6 ins
> and 8 outs for $200, and an M Audio Project Mix IO for $400, which is a
> control surface with motorized faders, midi, 8 ins, 4 outs, but expandable
> to 16 ins with the use of an ADAT Light Pipe interface. The pres on both
> units are great, and both units are in fantastic shape. Only downside is
> that the control panels are inaccessible, but once it's set, you're ready to
> go. Let me know if interested.
> Kevin

Take care,

Chris Norman.

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