Since you are already using buss 1/2 for the submix of the backing
tracks, Create another aux and use bus 3/4. output the  vocal track to
this  aux track  as well as out put the backing vox aux track to the
new aux track that has them all.

On 9/20/12, Chris Gilland <> wrote:
> Hello guys.
> I have a question that I could really use some help on, because I am quite
> perplexed as to how to do this. I have imported an MP3 file of the karaoke
> track into a ProTools session. I then proceeded by recording the lead vocal,
> and two backing tracks. I then proceeded by routing The output of those two
> backing tracks through an auxiliary input track. The reason that I did this
> is so I could turn the Level up and down on the tracks without having to do
> so independently. Basically, I Selected bus 1/2 For the output of those two
> tracks. Here is where the problem is coming in. I then recorded on a
> separate track the lead vocal. Now, what I am trying to do is use another
> auxiliary input track through all of the vocals including the lead vocal
> through. The problem is, if I use bus one As I did for my backing vocals, On
> my lead vocal track, Then the lead vocal track is going to bleed over into
> the backing vocal auxiliary track, which is exactly not what I won't
> happening! I won't the backing auxiliary input track to stay as is but then
> have this separate auxiliary input track that has the backing vocals and
> also has the lead vocals. This way I can use the track with all of the
> vocals and turn it up to adjust all of the vocals over all including the
> lead vocal. Or, if I only went to move the level of the backing vocals with
> out moving that of the lead vocals as well I can simply use the volume
> control located on just the backing vocal auxiliary track. I hope this makes
> sense. It probably doesn't. So in other words, we have the karaoke track,
> the lead vocal track, two tracks which are in use for the backing vocals,
> one backing vocals auxiliary track, and finally one auxiliary track that has
> all of the vocals backing Andalee. My friend said this is a hell of a sloppy
> way of doing it, but I'm wondering if there is any other way. I hope so.
> Please let me know if there is any easier way, as this does seem pretty
> sloppy the way I am approaching this. Thanks,
> Chris.
> Sent from my iPhone

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