OK, upon reading my message back, yes, perhaps it was a little too
scathing, so I would like to publicly apologise for that. My aim was
not to cause offense. The fact is, however, it took me a very long
time to read your email in full, and about 90% of the information in
there was you telling a story about your headphones, or making jokes
about stuff (clipping like the holy mother vergin mary, sorry to you
religious types etc, for example), which had little to do with the
actual problem at hand.

I don't mind helping at all, in fact, that's one of the reasons I read
the amount of the original message that I did, instead of deleting it,
but when it takes me 3 minutes to read a message with a 20 second
problem in it, I'm afraid, at 2 in the morning, I have a job covering
my genetic sarcasm.

You are right of course, this list is here to help, and I wouldn't be
part of it if I didn't want to share what little I know about stuff,
but the other side of that is, there are some people on here for whom
music is their job, or if not, then they have some type of full time
occupation, which means they may not have time to read a lengthy

Anyways, In short, I'm genuinely sorry to have offended you, but
perhaps try and keep a little more to the point when stating
questions? I'm sure you're a great bloke to go to the pub with, but on
a Q and A mailing list, my own personal view is that questions should
be stream lined a little more. Of course, if you think I'm being way
out of order, unreasonable, a moaning old git, or anything like that,
feel free to ignore me. I know I can be a sarcastic, scathing, and
cinical git at times. My girlfriend has a whole corner of vocabulary,
spacifically for those types of occasions.

And for my part, I'll try not to reply to emails at 2 o'clock in the
morning, if I think there's a risk I'll upset anyone.

Have a great day, and whoever it was who corrected me on why we don't
need to worry about gains so much anymore, thank you very much, I
never knew that, I will certainly try it.


On 14/11/2012, Christopher-Mark Gilland <clgillan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Well, frankly, yes, I did! take offense.  How else was I supposed to explain
> my issue, if I didn't explain how I was doing things?  I'm not going to get
> anywhere if I don't specifically explain what I'm doing so you all can see
> my mistake, but in fear of being oh, whoops? gasp! to lengthy, with all do
> respect, I'll cut the bullshit and say no more on the topic.  Sorry for
> asking for any help, sir.  Nice to know I can ask questions on list.  Oh,
> and BTW, thanks for your help, right?  Jesus H Christ!

Take care,

Chris Norman.

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