OK, here's my work flow.

1. Create your vocal track, and record some vocals.
2. Either insert the plugin directly on that track, or create a new
auxiliary track, and set it's input, and assign a send on the track
you made in step 1 to it.
3. The only really important parameter you need for this to work in
Harmony Engine it's self, is the parameter that says "Fixed Interval",
or words to that effect. I usually set to MIDI Omni. This seems to
have the effect of reproducing the MIDI you feed it accurately.
4. Create a standard MIDI track, and arm it. Ensure it's input (via
the instrument section, which should appear before the MIDI Mute
button, if you have instruments showing from the mix windows view
popup button), is what you want - it defaults to "All". Set it's
output (in the same section), is set to the harmony engine plugin, I
use channel 1, I'm not sure as it matters much.
5. Hit either record or play, then, when you want harmony to come in,
simply play on your MIDI keyboard. Now, assuming you've recorded the
MIDI, whenever that passage plays again, the MIDI will trigger the

I really hope this helps, bcause I've not typed for a good few days,
and I'm having to really concentrate on it LOL.

Have fun.

On 17/12/2012, chadbaker2 <baker3...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi i'm trying a demo of harmony engine from antares i can't control it
> via midi in realtime
> i want to play a cord on the keyboard and it comes out of my voice
> i inserted a audio and midi track and on the audio track inserted
> harmony engine
> also on the midi output is set to harmony

Take care,

Chris Norman.

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