I'm sorry, as I said, I was just trying to help.  Give me a break!


----- Original Message ----- From: "Chris Smart" <csma...@cogeco.ca>
To: <ptaccess@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2014 3:22 PM
Subject: Re: I can confirm Chris's meter problem.

Dude, I was kidding. Moving the decimal one place to the left or right is very basic!

At 02:37 PM 7/11/2014, you wrote:
I admit, Chris, it was a little confusing at first when I heard his explination. Basically, I am not sure if you were being sarcastic about math being difficult, or if you were serious. I'm gonna assume the ladder.

So, look at t it this way... Let's say you have a double digit decimal DB value. Let's use 12 just for example. So, forget for a minute it being negative, or positive. Don't worry about that. Just for now look from the bigger picture. Take the number 12, in general. 12 could also be written as 12.0.

So, 12.0 is no different than 12. Only thing is, with 12.0, we now have a decimal place. So just move that decimal one place to the left. So instead of 12, you now have 1.2. So think of it this way, and this is what really helped me grasp it. The decimal needs to be in between the two digits. So, say you needed -16DB. That's kind of low, but just humor me here. So, what makes up 16? 1, and 6, right? 16's written as 1 6. So, put a decimal between those two digits. So, -16DB on the PT 11 meters would equal -1.6DB. Hopefully, that makes sense.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Chris Smart" <csma...@cogeco.ca>
To: <ptaccess@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2014 12:15 PM
Subject: Re: I can confirm Chris's meter problem.

But but, math is difficult. LOL

At 11:56 AM 7/11/2014, you wrote:

As I mentioned a few days ago, it's an issue with the way the meter is displaying only 14.4 dB of range. Between version 10 and 11, the meter display changed and, as I mentioned before, it's something that needs to be fixed. Think of everything as being one decimal spot off. In other words, if you get a reading of -2 dB, what the meter is really saying is -20 dB. If you're shooting for -15 dB, make sure your meter reads -1.5 dB. Move the decimal one spot to the right in your mind. If anybody wants to verify, create a track with a signal generator putting out a tone at -20 dB and check the meter on the track and you'll see that it displays -2.0. Adjust the output of the signal generator and it'll follow the behavior I've outlined above.


On Jul 11, 2014, at 10:38 AM, Rosco Vittore <relu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi.
> This *definitely!* must be a Voiceover issue. I don't recall the
exact model, as it was donated to me by a studio in my area which is going out of business unfortunately, however I have some form of a Scarlet. I think it's made by Focusright. Anyway, I can confirm with this interface that like Christopher, I too am seeing the same problem with my meters in PT11. I'm not getting identically the same readout as he obviously, but it's definitely showing a much hotter signal than what I know beyond a doubt is coming in. In PT10, like Christohper, I do not have this situation either. My meters read fine over there. So, Slau, with the utmost respect, I think you saying there are things Christopher doesn't yet understand is a little bit harsh. I earnestly don't think Chris is doing anything wrong. If he is, then why am I also having the same problem with a completely different interface, not even made by the same manufacturer? That just seems a bit odd to me that this would be opporator error. I can't speak for Christopher, but I can tell you from my part at least that I'm not doubting your experience nor credibility, and if I implied in any way that I did, I apologize. I just find it coencidental that he's having this issue, and that I am as well.
> Thanks kindly, and make it a blessed day.
> Rosco.
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