Hey Chris, I think you described me in a lot of what you wrote just
there. Now I've been working on all of this for over a couple of
decades and I'm still working on it, but let me tell you
something.Firstly, it's not about the gear and the amount of money we
spend. I've spent way too much money on gear and yes training,
thinking that once I've bought this or that course or daw or plugin,
I'll get that sound.

So let me tell you the secret. Practise and more practise. OK, it's
boring, but you could sit down with a top producer for a week, spend
thousands of dollars and the following week, you'd be just the same as
you are now because you've not developed that amount of skill.

So, here are some recommendations.
1. Don't spend any more money than you've already spent.
2. Don't spend any more money!.
3. Go to www.therecordingrevolution.com, sign up for Graham's Email
list. Watch as many videos on that site as you can, there are hundreds
of free videos on all kinds of subjects.

Graham is a big fan of getting the best out of what you have, He even
did a video series showing what can be done with a 300 dollar studio,
find those vids and watch them.

OK, so I think I've laboured that point long enough.
4. One of the series that Graham did is called 5 minutes to a better
mix. It's on his site and on youtube. This was where he did a video
every day for a whole month with mixing tips. Then he did it again the
following year, so there are 62 videos to watch right there.

So that will be enough training for the time being.

5. Don't be like me! I'm good at watching videos saying that's cool
and then not doing it in my studio. So you need to be applying what
you're watching, that's probably the master key to improving.

6. So, there's a flip side to all this. Think of those people who work
with computers. So my question is, which group really understand them,
those who make them, or those who write the software code? My answer
is, for a true understanding, you need to have a deep knowledge of

So, what's this got to do with audio engineering, well, if you're like
me, you sit in your studio and try to record one of your songs. It
sounds OKish but it doesn't sound radio ready, right?

Well, what I'm finding is this, my problem is not my lack of knowledge
on how to use an EQ or compressor, though that could use some
improving. The truth is I'm not a good enough musician to compose and
play awesome parts for my song, it's my production skills that are
letting me down.

So, in all your quest of audio engineering knowledge, don't forget the
music. When I listen to a song, I'm always asking myself, what's the
drum groove, how is the bass working with that? How may guitars are
playing? where on the neck are those chords being voiced? How can I
create that guitar tone? what are the backing vocals singing? and on
it goes? You want your stuff to sound better? get real good at
deconstructing your favourite music.

7. This is related to 6 but, if you can, get some music to practise
mixing. There's probably bound to be some free sessions on the web to
download. That will also help with your production skills as well
being able to load other people's sessions into Pro Tools and soloing
the tracks and seeing how the song was put together, that's helped me

Well, that's officially the longest post I've ever sent to a list.
Good luck Chris and we're always here to help with questions, we can
never figure all this out on our own.

On 9/5/15, Steve Martin <monkeypushe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Recording lounge (which btw was the first google result for “recording
> lounge podcast”) I have Joe Gilder’s Understanding compression and some
> other tutorials free and paid and i think this one is by far my favorite
> primer on compression now.
> http://recordinglounge.blogspot.com
> Also Mixing Made Easy is $15 and i hear good things about it (haven’t gotten
> the time to try it myself yet) but its $15 what can you loose? Here is a
> link to a review and some extra perks if you buy through this affiliate
> link.
> http://www.homerecordingweekly.com/2014/11/03/mixing-made-easy-by-david-vignola-mixing-video-series-review/
> Also Chris you mentioned hearing loss, which i suspected since in another
> post you mentioned everyone telling you your are being too loud when you
> talk. Perhaps you should give some serious consideration to earring aids if
> you haven’t already  done so. Just a thought.
>> On Sep 4, 2015, at 3:42 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland
>> <clgillan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey,
>> Can you give me a link to that Recording Lounge thing you all were talking
>> about?  I'd really love to check it out!  Also, have any of you heard of
>> Home Studio Corner?
>> http://www.homestudiocorner.com
>> This guy's apparently out of Nashville, and he's done a whole 2 or so hour
>> long corse on "Understanding Compression."
>> He's got a literal 1 year, 365 days, money back guarantee, so that being
>> considered, I would not normally have spent the $140 I did on his corse,
>> as that's a little bit pricy, but considerring the refund policy, I
>> figured that is way more than enough time for me to really go at my own
>> pace.
>> I really really do want to read up more.  In the past, you all provided
>> links and books, etc, and I kind a just bookmarked them in Safari, and
>> then kind a put them on the back burner.  Chuck, I did check out the
>> resources as well back in the days you provided me.  I think at the time,
>> I just really wasn't fully ready as I thought I was to totally commit
>> myself and all the time/practice that it is going to take.
>> It's very obvious that I am very prideful.  I have quite a stubborn
>> hardhead when it comes to this stuff.  I'd like to convince people I
>> probably know more than I really do.  The truth is, I now am looking back
>> on things. Guys, I owe all of you, not just some, but all! of you a
>> really! big apology.  NO seriously!  I really mean it!  You all have done
>> more! than your shares to help me, even with things not exactly pertaining
>> to ProTools directly, even though it's a bit off topic for this list, and
>> probably honestly would have been better suited either off list, or for
>> MidiMag, or the like.  Yet, you all still even considerring have made
>> major exceptions. Slau, even you yourself have spent so much time working
>> with me one on one on list.  You all have helped me with a few of my
>> sessions, etc.  Yet then, I've kind a just said thank you, this is too
>> overwhelming right now though. Guys, starting today, I promise all of you!
>>  That attitude stops!  And it stops right now yesterday!  I really have
>> over the last few days done a major self evaluation and have admitted a
>> few things to myself which honestly have been things I don't like
>> admitting.  I know however that by me admitting these things, that is the
>> first step to overcoming a lot of these audio hurtles I'm facing.
>> First, I'm openly now admitting that audio mixing and masterring might
>> wind up just not being for me.  I might do better with actual raw
>> recording, than with getting the final project out there mixed, processed,
>> and masterred.  I have to remind myself that I do have a very significant
>> hearing loss which has accumulated over the years, and even might be
>> getting slightly worse.  I hear things when they are overexagerated to the
>> extreme, but it's more the suttle little nuances that I just cannot seem
>> to be able to pick up on.
>> The second thing I'm having to admit is, I don't! know everything.  Face
>> it.
>> Thirdly, I have to stop claming that I am a professional.  NO, I'm not!
>> Again, face it!  I'm not!  I want to get there, but how can I, if I keep
>> denying the truth, therefore giving myself no room for improvement.  I'm
>> starting to see that you knwo what... I'm not perfect, and honestly I
>> probably know less than I should by far after using ProTools for almost
>> now 3 and a half years.  What was it... May of 2012, I think it was when I
>> got my MPower ProTools 9 bundle initially?
>> So, yeah, point is, I used to beat myself up and would bug the living
>> hell! out of people, some of them even being you guys to teach me teach me
>> teach me.  What am I doing wrong to make my recordings not sound like
>> something I'd hear on the radio, as almost 75 to 80 percent of you guys
>> are getting that sound.  I wanted, and still do! want that key.  I want to
>> know what's different between what I'm doing, and what you all're doing.
>> First off, with no control surface, I know, Slau will kill me!  That
>> probably is my first issue right there.  I'm never probably gonna get that
>>  sound until I can manage to get something that I interactively can get my
>> hands on.
>> I'm really rambling, but my point is, I'm having to now look back and face
>> it.  I'm not pro grade, and I never will be if I keep up this attitude of
>> self-pride.  When I start admitting that I am not perfect, I need to
>> improve my skills, and want to improve them, that's where I think the
>> learning will really start.  Guys, I'm sorry!  Truely, really I am!  I
>> dono why you all tried telling me this before, and I so refused to listen.
>>  I think a lot of it is, I'm embarrassed.  I hear all the great stuff you
>> all have done, and it just sucks all the air out of me.  Part of it too
>> may even be admittedly a little bitta jealousy.  I guess, I'm a little
>> jealous that all of you are so great at this, yet here's little old me,
>> back here.  Yeah... Ehh? I'm, o, kayyyy, I, guess... but I need a crud
>> load of work, and I damn well know it!
>> So guys, really this time forward, I wanna do this right.  I really am
>> pardon my language I beg of you: God damn serious! about wanting to do
>> this! Guys, if it means me having to sit here and listen to recording
>> after recording, session after session, example after example... if it
>> means I have to read thousands upon thousands of pages, even if they're
>> pdf's, or IBooks etc. No those formats are not fun for me to read or
>> navigate, but you know what damn it, I can what if this all I want.  I can
>> well, but, this all I want, but at the end of the day, what it all comes
>> down to is my attitude and determination.  Do I really? truely want this.
>> Do I really? truely want to improve so badly that I will literally do
>> anything! literally? anything! to make this work.
>> Guys, I really really mean it.  I know you may look at me and say, O,
>> Kayyy. I'm teling you what though Mister!  I will help you off list, or
>> on, but buddy, when I tell you to do something, or I give you a link, or a
>> book, or whatever to look at, you'd better do it!  Guys, if you say that
>> to me, I say now to you in advance, I swear, to God! Cross my heart!  I
>> will from this point forward.  The more excuses that I keep making, the
>> less successful I'm gonna wind up being.  This is one of the hardest
>> things for me to admit to you all's faces.  But you all know what? I
>> really do want to do this.  So anything you all can send me.  Look, right
>> now, after I spent that $140 on that compression course, I don't have any
>> money right now left.  I literally have zip, and probably really won't
>> until next month once all my current bills are paid.  I know that's not
>> you all's problem, nor did I ever say it was.  I'm just telling you all
>> this to say, I don't really get paid for studio work.  I don't have a pro
>> grade studio, and I don't have clients coming into my home to record.  I'm
>> really not bringing in a salary at all with this.  Right now, I'm doing it
>> as a hobby that I really hope to become fulltime work once I get better at
>> what I'm doing.  That probably won't happen for another few years,
>> possibly a whole decade, but I really really do! want to get there.
>> That's my ultimate goal right now with ProTools. I'd like to set a long
>> term goal that in the next 5 years, I'll be 100% professionally making
>> music, be it covers, or more preferred, my own.
>> So, all this said:  are there any free resources that you all can provide
>> me?  Being compression is a major weakness of mine, would any of you be
>> willing to take maybe even just 30 minutes, not even an hour, just 30?
>> minutes! to talk over the phone or Skype with me, and if not work with
>> teaching me for free, at least! give me a consultation and tell me for
>> free where you think I need to really start based on my error of
>> workflow?
>> I promise promise I will pay you all, if we wind up passed that doing full
>> on lessons, but would any of you like to make some money on the side
>> maybe, and at least talk to me and see if maybe we could work out a
>> teaching lesson plan?  I have no issue paying any of you for off list
>> private help.  I just want to be sure that my money will be worth my time,
>> and more so, your's.
>> I guess ultimately guys, what I'm trying to say in all this is, where do
>> we go from here?
>> Thanks for any, and all thoughts/comments.  I know this was very very
>> lengthy and drawn out, but I really! needed to get this off my heart.
>> This is a very touchy, and very sinsitive thing for me, and if you wanna
>> know more why I demand perfection so heavily,  write me off list, and I'll
>> further explain.  There actually is a huge psychological part of this that
>> I'd rather not get into on list, but we'll just say, I feel I owe it to a
>> particular few people specifically to do things as flawlessly as possible,
>> and when I can't, it really upsets me.
>> Chris.
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