Hi Steve


This sounds promising. I already have a Yamaha motif XS8 and probably could use 
it as midi keyboard on my mac. I found a good deal here in a Swiss store (50% 
off) am thinking about buying NI Komplete 11 Ultimate and just the smallest 
keyboard, the Kontrol S25 MKII. This would work, right? Or is there a reason 
not to use two midi keyboards at the same time?




Von: ptaccess@googlegroups.com [mailto:ptaccess@googlegroups.com] Im Auftrag 
von Steve Matzura
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2018 16:44
An: ptaccess@googlegroups.com
Betreff: Re: AW: Hello and first question accessible audio interfaces




Surprised to hear you had trouble with virtual instruments in Sonar, as that 
was supposed to be one of its strong points. Granted, I never ventured far 
afield from the provided set of virtual instruments, but the few I did have, 
such as the full version of Rapture, and  Hypersonic, gave me no trouble.


Andre's demo of Komplete Kontrol is now quite out of date in that Komplete 11 
is far advanced from what 10 was at the time the demo was recorded. It can 
still do everything the demo shows that it can, but about two years later, 
there's now so much more. There are more instruments, there's a new keyboard, 
more stuff that can be done with the system as a whole, and there's even a guy 
out there who's making NKS drop-in packages for some popular instrument suites 
such as the Air Music Technology Xpand stuff, Spectrosonics' Omnisphere and 
Keyscape, the Korg Legacy Collection, and Analog Labs 2 and 3,to name a few. 
Companies are really starting to wake up to the NKS (Native Komplete Standard) 
and delivering products that have it, giving Komplete Kontrol users more access 
to more things than just those from the KK package. For example, I have several 
Orange Tree Samples guitars, and they all have NKS "snapshot" presets. If one 
is clever and has access to some sighted assistance that can learn how to do 
it, it's possible to create NKS presets for a plugin  if it parameters are 
exposable within Kontakt. In fact, there's a KK email list you might be 
interested in joining wherein such matters  are discussed. To subscribe, send a 
blank email message to komplete-kontrol-access+subscr...@googlegroups.com. I 
have also contacted Ruben Cornell who produces the Samplecast podcast and asked 
him to please include mention of NKS compatibility in sample libraries he 
reviews. I think for the most part he does so, as I'm hearing more and more 
episodes of his podcast wherein NKS gets mentioned.


Good luck with your interface serch, and learning the Mac DAW ecosystem, with 
its diverse access paths and architectures.


On 6/27/2018 3:26 AM, Benjamin Blatter wrote:

Hi Steve


Thanks for your welcoming mail. I think you might have a rock solid point there 
in being cautious so i’m not jumping in a new caketalking situation. I’ll 
listen carefully what the others are suggesting and will choose wisely. The 
real pain is that one these days just can’t try things out anymore, at least in 
Switzerland where I live. I’m certainly no audio engineer or professional. But 
I like to have their tools because when I record something I don’t want to have 
noisy mic preamps. So I’m looking for an audio interface which is good enough 
in this wish category.


Oh yes, which DAW is more accessible might have been a slight stupid question 
since I’m here LOL But I actually think your comment on certain things which 
might be difficult in logic pro was very kind and honest of you. I’ll keep that 
in mind and I think I’ll give both DAWS a try. I don’t think you’re that crazy 
in using four DAWS. I do it all the same with other programs and even hardware 
audio recorders.


I can’t see RME audio interface being very accessible on a mac, because my 
fireface UC certainly was not when I tried. But since i’m rather new to this OS 
I might have missed something there.

I probably should add that I have a mackie MCU Pro as a midi control surface. 
However controlling TotalMix didn’t work so far when i tried. And also, I never 
was able to control effects in sonar. Hope this will be better in Pro tools or 
logic pro.

However I’m actually thinking about using hardware effect units rather than 
software ones. Because I think they work much more stable and are not prone to 
software changes etc. But this is a future thing.


It was nice to hear about yourself. Well, I really studied music at music high 
school in a classical way. I’m oficially a church organist and piano teacher. 
But I did also make CAS for composing and arranging in classical and jazz/pop 
music. And I love to direct choirs and arrange for them. I learned to read and 
write braille notation. So music is actually my job. This however comes with 
the drawback that the days where I could just sit on my motif XS and do what I 
wanted are definitely over :-)


My courent situation is that I don’t have any good way to produce a song 
professionally on the computer. If I had to do something I’d use my motif XS. 
But I think I could do better today in 2018. So I’m lucky enough that nobody 
has ordered me to do such a thing in a while. But I know that this can’t go on 
forever. Virtual instruments weren’t that accessible for me on windows. But I 
heard of native instruments komplete and it’s midi keyboards which has built in 
accessibility. I was thinking of getting this and then taking step by step.

Does NI Complete 11 really work well in reality? I heard a demo of Andrew Louis 
on youtube and was quite impressed so far.






Von: ptaccess@googlegroups.com [mailto:ptaccess@googlegroups.com] Im Auftrag 
von Steve Matzura
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2018 07:30
An: ptaccess@googlegroups.com
Betreff: Re: Hello and first question accessible audio interfaces




As always, you will find there are many answerers and answers to your questions.


As for the audio interface, there are several very accessible ones, some with 
real knobs, buttons, and sliders, some with no hardware controls at all, 
requiring a control surface to control them. This latter solution will, of 
course, double the cost of the interface, but the good side of that, if you can 
see it as one, is that control surfaces can be used for controlling the audio 
interface and the DAW with a simple button-press. If I were in your shoes, I 
wouldn't sink a lot of money into anything right away, especially the audio 
interface, until I was rock-solid sure I was committed to this new stuff I just 
bought. You don't want to get into another Sonar+CakeTalking situation if you 
can avoid it, and I think you can. Focusrite and RME make some very 
professional and accessible interfaces. On the less expensive side, but not 
necessarily of relationally inferior quality, Behringer has some good things, 
too. Folks in here will tell you their preferences and reasons, I'm sure, as I 
said before. What do I use? A Behringer X-Air 18 controlled by the Behringer 
X-Touch controller, which I also use in two Windows DAW's. Four DAW's? Call me 
crazy, and you'd probably not be alone, but for me, that's half the fun of it 
since I'm not in it for business purposes--keeping up with the current state of 
the art, so to speak.


 As to which DAW is more accessible out of the box, well, that question has 
been known to start wars (smile)! I'll keep my head below the parapet and just 
remind you of where you're posting your messages, and let you figure out what 
the answer will be from probably everyone in here (LOL). That having been said, 
folks get work done in both programs, but, OK, I'll poke my head up at the risk 
of getting it shot off by Logic users, there are accessibility issues when 
editing audio therein. Someone will also probably pop in and give a complete 
and concise list of what can and can't be done accessibly in either DAW. After 
that, I think it all comes down to workflow.

On the social side, what kinds of music do you make and teach? I've had a lot 
of classical piano training, but tossed the idea of a career in classical music 
aside for one in the computer biz instead, starting long before accessibility 
was even a concept, let alone a popular term. Music is what I would call a 
serious hobby for me--I'm kind of like the folks with great big model railroad 
layouts in their basements, always adding a new car, or spur track, or 
signalling system. That's me all over the place, always adding and learning to 
use new plugins and trying to learn how to play instruments with a keyboard 
that don't have one in reality. I do keep up my technique by practicing 
semi-regularly though. I have absolutely no composition or creative skills of 
any kind, but I have an awful lot of fun making some very interesting musical 
noises (LOL). I started out in the eighties with DOS-based sequencing packages, 
and when Windows accessibility became a thing, I, too, jumped on the 
Sonar+CakeTalking bandwagon. I abandoned it in about 2009 or '10, aside from 
one project I had to do in 2012 for a backing track for a vocal competition. 
The Windows DAW scene changed for me in 2016 with the introduction of 
accessibility for Samplitude, and improved accessibility for Reaper. I got 
into, or onto, the Mac side about a year later with Logic,then earlier this 
year with Pro Tools. By no means do I know any of those four DAW's well, but I 
*can* get some so-called "real work" done in them, and for me, that's enough.

On 6/27/2018 12:43 AM, Benjamin Blatter wrote:

Hello all


I’m a musician, composer and teacher. I got myself a mac a few months ago. I 
bought Caketalk from Dancing dots a few years ago, only to find out that it 
didn’t quiete work on my computer. Now I’d like to give music production on the 
mac a try.

So, my first question here is about getting a fully accessible audio interface. 
What are you using ? I’d like to have a really professional device, 8 to 16 
channels with digital capabilities. And the interface should be really 
accessible, including software mixer. For the last couple years I have an RME 
Fireface UC. I rely on premade presets from a sighted person. For my mac audio 
interface I’d like to have something I can manage myself, if this is possible 
at all. I don’t mind buying extra hardware like a midi controller for this to 

And I actually have a secondth question : I just did a little experimenting 
with Logic Pro so far. And I was able to record a small test track with the 
integrated instruments this program offers in about 30 minutes of first use. 
This was pretty amazing. But aside that I’m totally new and aks myself wheter I 
should start using logic pro or pro tools for my work. I got here because 
someone on the Dancing Dots list suggested me posting my audio interface 
question on this list.

Which DAW is more accessible  out of the box ? Because I never had really good 
experience with jaws scripts using sonar I’m hoping that both programs could be 
used without any scripts which just work in a certain system configuration and 
so on.

I hope I don’t sound too pesimistic and frustrated, alltough I admit that I was 
just that when I found out my purchase of Caketalking was for nothing after 
much fiddling arround at the end. But I’m willing to start anew on the mac. I 
like this OS so far very much.

I’ve got a Macbook Pro 2015. And if things are working out fine and I need more 
power in order to do my things I’m considering to buy a mac pro, if there will 
be a new one eventually that is ...


So, thanks for your help and kind regards



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