If you only have one vocal to work with, isotope Nectar and Antares Harmony 
Engine are two of the better plug ins I have used. It can generate unison 
doubles or harmonies up to 4 voices. Harmony Engine probably has a slightly 
less complicated interface as its just the harmony tool unlike Nectar which is 
an entire vocal mixing tool in one. Harmony Engine also has a choir features 
you can add additional voices to each of the 4 voices. Harmony Engine was just 
on sale last month and if you check ebay you may find a few dealers still 
selling it for the sale price of $99.  SonyOxford has a plug in called doubler 
that a lot of people like but I haven’t used it myself.
If you have multiple voices and you need to time align them, Vocalign project 
is probably the least expensive and best way to do this. It’s bigger brother 
Revoice Pro, will let you generate Doubles (if once again you only have one 
vocal track to work with) or do the time aligning aspects of Vocalign as well. 
Also, there is the manual version of creating wide doubles  using a pitch plug 
in in pro tools.  Basically duplicate the vocal twice. Pan one duplicate left 
and one duplicate right. Then using the pitch plug in, shift one up anywhere 
from 3 to 12 or so cents, and shift the other one down by the same amount nd 
then lower the volume of the duplicates to taste. 
Regarding Vocalign or Revoice Pro, scripts for using them  in pro tools s I 
believe exist in the dropbox folder. Nectar or Harmony Engine I have not used 
in ProTools myself but I have heard of others on the list doing so so I assume 
they should be accessible. Also I am selling a Vocalign Project license so 
contact me off list if you are interested. Hope something here got you going in 
the right direction. 

> On Sep 9, 2018, at 1:40 PM, Ramy Moustafa <ramy.moustaf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all Again today:
> One of my very big problems while Recording songs here is the Vocal, most 
> Singers came to my studio are not professional  to perform a good backing 
> vocal track.
> So from Yesterday i decided to try finding another tecniques to achieve a 
> good vocal track from a person that can sing just 1 good time :D 
> But all good things that i found were Videos, they are using the Deesser 
> Plugins but i can not know what are Parameeters that they are moving etc.
> SOme videos they used just 1 solo track, and converted it to A solid GOod 
> Backing vocal, teh result was not bad at all. specially by this way, i will 
> avoid the Syncing problem when singing more than 1 vocal track.
> So, need to know from a blind e experience, what can we do to improve our 
> vocal mixing?
> if i have just 1 good take, or i have more than 8 takes, but need them to 
> sound like tied vocal? what are the accessible plugins that we can use to 
> achieve that?
> Thanks in advance and sorry again for my long question but this is a very 
> common Problem here.
> Thanks again
> -- 
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