Hi Slau,

Nope. After following your steps with creating a edit group and the rest of the 
steps, still no go. Tracks are selected and working in edit window. After doing 
slash 1 slash 4 enter, copy, then star (using semicolon) hitting five (I) then 
enter, then pasting, still no go. Another odd aspect I noticed is when I do 
star 2 or star 3 it does not take me to that spot of the recording. Nothing 
happens when I hit the spacebar.
Thank you for your assistance in resolving this. I look forward to hearing more 
thoughts. I am beginning to wonder if there is a underlying trouble spot. I 
double checked and the star is the semicolon, am I missing a step?
*5 then enter. When in other applications such as mail I know the star is 
It feels we are so close to resolving this.

> On Dec 6, 2018, at 5:44 PM, Slau Halatyn <slauhala...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Vaughn,
> Well, first of all, none of the commands you mentioned were specifically Flo 
> Tools, they're just straight-forward Pro Tools shortcuts. There are a couple 
> of things I'd recommend.
> 1. If you're editing drums, select the drum tracks and create an edit group. 
> That way, when you're moving around, possibly forwarding or rewinding, 
> shuttling, etc. you won't collapse the selection down to 2 tracks but rather 
> all of the intended tracks.
> 2. I can't stress this enough, make sure you move the track selection at 
> least once at the outset. That is, regardless of what's selected, use either 
> Control semicolon or Control P to move the track selection to a different 
> track and then move the selection back to the drum tracks. You can use the 
> Flo Tools Option Shift L command to hear which tracks are selected (just for 
> confirmation). At that point, you can do your copying and pasting.
> 3. In the Edit window, make sure that your drum tracks are displaying 
> waveforms rather than volume or pan or some other items. This would be under 
> the Track View selector.
> 4. You probably don't have pre or post roll enabled but, for shits and 
> giggles, just check to make sure you don't have Pre/Post Roll on which might 
> confuse you unless you know it's on or specifically want it on.
> Those are the initial thoughts. Let us know how it goes.
> Slau
>> On Dec 6, 2018, at 2:17 PM, Vaughn Brown <jazzdress...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:jazzdress...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> -- 
>> Kindly,
>> Vaughn Brown
>> Vaughn's Percussionship
>> Heal through Feel Equine Massage
>> 360-904-8432
>> http://www.vaughnbrown.net <http://www.vaughnbrown.net/>
>> Serving Clark County
>> Hello,
>> Using Flo Tools, I am running into an issue with looping through
>> copying and pasting as well as using the repeat function (which looks
>> cool if it would work for me). Using the slash # slash # enter seems
>> to be working because it says it is copying and pasting the selected
>> tracks. However, when I use star then the number of the measure where
>> to paste, it doesn't seem to be pasting. I tested this by putting the
>> measure number 2 after the star and it plays a blank spot (other than
>> the sounding of the click track), I recorded in audio using a 4
>> measure phrase. I have 6 tracks selected as I am recording a drum set.
>> Below you will find the steps I am following along with commands being
>> used.
>> 1. Under options menu, the "link timeline and edit selection" is checked.
>> 2. Under options menu, the "link edit and track selection" is checked.
>> The loop playback and loop record were checked, I unchecked those, any
>> other settings needing to be unchecked or checked under options menu?
>> 3. I interacted with the track list table and de-selected and
>> reselected the tracks to be edited/copied.
>> 4. Under the cursor tool cluster, insertion follows playback is
>> unchecked. Any other check/uncheck concerns?
>> 5. Select tracks from track list table (not sure why the repeat as I
>> did this in step 3)
>> 6. Go to edit window (I was in edit window the whole time).
>> 7. Make timeline selection from bar 1 to bar 4: Num pad slah
>> (apostrophe in Flo Tools), 1, slah 4, enter.
>> 8. Copy (it says copy).
>> 9. Go to desired measure for pasting (star (semicolon) 5, enter)
>> 10. Paste.
>> 11. Repeat step 10 to cover as many measures as desired when pasting,
>> or use option R (Fn. Option R) to enter the number of repeats after
>> making a timeline and track selection.
>> Questions:
>> 1. Why is that when I hit star 2 to it does not seem to jump to
>> measure 2, just a blank spot.
>> 2. Why is it that my copied tracks does not seem to be pasting into
>> measure 5 using the star number enter or the repeat function method?
>> I sincerely look forward to your thoughts. I be willing to arrange a
>> phone call or team viewer session as well. Overall, I am enjoying Flo
>> Tools!
>> Thank you,
>> Vaughn
>> -- 
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