In the process of searching for the problem, I got into the solo mode
submenu. There, I found that "solo in place" is checked alongside
"latch." Could solo in place be the problem? That is could solo in
place be the reason why the last soloed track is the only track that
soloed, even when it's not selected. As a result, no other tracks are
getting soloed. Thanks!



On 6/8/20, Dammie Onafeko <> wrote:
> Hi guys:
> Hope you all having been having a marvelous day. I'm facing a problem
> currently. I tried continuing a sesseion I was working on yesterday
> some minutes ago, but every time I select a particular track to solo
> and push Shift S, the last soloed track keep getting soloed, even when
> I don't select it. Does anyone know what could be causing this? I'll
> greatly appreciate your help here. Thanks! I'm going to browse through
> the documentation while I wait to read from y'all. God bless!
> Regards,
> Dammie

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