So, I just ran ProTools after doing that upgrade from 2022.9 to 2022.3, and 
now, though ProTools is working correctly, any darn time I go to the dash with 
Command+N as soon as I go to the create tab in the dash, I get the following 

Could not create a new document because Assertion in 
line 1189.

(Use the Copy button to copy this message to the clipboard.). 

Which, obviously, I did.

I then hit OK, and that goes away leaving ProTools with no open windows.

If I check in system settings under security, ProTools has all correct disk 
permissions, and so does Avid Link.

I also installed FloTools before updating to 2022.12, as I wanted to be sure I 
had the most recent version with that, and honestly wasn't sure. This was 
before seeing Martin's message about the latest version. I would have left as 
well enough alone had it not been for that.

I'm not sure even I have a time machine backup. I might, but not counting on 
it. Yeah, I know dammit, rub it all in my face. That's my own fault, I know it. 
Don't make me feel worse than I do already!

I Googled, and got nowhere. There literally are no Google results when I pop 
that message into the search.

I totally uninstalled and reinstalled PT, but that did absolutely no good 

I even redownloaded the dmg image from my Avid account just in case it was 

I used Clean My Mac X and made sure that if any over all disk permissions were 
off, that they'd be fixed. I also made dad gum sure to reboot after 
reinstalling ProTools.

I thought it was a FloTools thing, but I quit the Keyboard Maestro engine, yet 
still have the issue.

The odd thing is, first off, there is no such path on my system it references. 
Not even in the Finder after doing command+shift+period to show hidden files 
and folders. All I have under /Users is /Users/Chris and /Users/Shared, so 
where this /Users/Autobld or whatever the hell that thing  said was, I don't 

I went to ~/Library/Preferences and removed the ProTools folder from under the 
Avid directory just to wipe all settings totally clean. That was done as a 
recommendation from the Sweetwater's Sweetcare knowledge base.

That absolutely didn't help either. The weird thing is, any sessions I already 
have created, I can easily enough open with no problem at all. It's just when 
creating a brand new session. I mean, this is nuts crazy! I just don't get it!

Any help is appreciated.


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