--- David Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If the context-switching overhead turns out to be too high, then I will
> do
> > exactly that.  But it will mean maintaining state for each connection,
> and
> > that state will only grow more complex with future enhancements by
> myself
> > and others.
>       Umm, huh?! If you don't maintain state for each connection, how will you
> know what to do with the data you get?

Ah, well, I meant that a state machine must store state explicitly, whereas
with threaded code the state is implied in the code flow (in effect, the
thread system itself is a state machine.)  If each thread executes a simple
function like "void foo() {A; B; C;}", then the equivalent state machine is
simple enough -- it just has to remember whether each "thread" is at step A,
B, or C, using an array of state variables or some such.  But now throw in a
few nested for's, if's, and local data into the above function...  well, you
get the picture.  I could certainly implement my program as a state machine,
but that may make my code harder for others to understand/maintain.

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