Our tentative plan is to hold the 8th Biennial Ptolemy
Miniconference on Thursday, April 16, 2009 in San Francisco.

We intend to have the miniconference as a workshop in
association with RTAS/HSCC/ISPN.

The details of the format for the miniconference have
not yet been decided.

You are encouraged to submit papers to the conferences, below
are the websites and dates.

RTAS 15th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium
http://www.rtas.org/09-rtas-cfp.txt  -  Extended to Oct 20

The 8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks
http://ipsn.acm.org/2009/callforpapers.html  - Due Oct 15

Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC'09)
http://www.ee.ucla.edu/~hscc09/HSCC09CFP.pdf  - Extended to Oct 17


Christopher Brooks (cxh at eecs berkeley edu) University of California
Chess Executive Director                      US Mail: 337 Cory Hall
Programmer/Analyst Chess/Ptolemy/Trust        Berkeley, CA 94720-1774
ph: 510.643.9841 fax: 510.642.2718            (office: 545Q Cory)
home: (F-Tu) 707.665.0131 (W-F) 510.655.5480

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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