The problem is that the connection inside in the composite has width 1.
If you double click on the connection and set the width to 2, then the
behavior is the same for both models.  If you set the width to 0, then
the width will automatically be inferred to be 2 (or to be equal to however
many connections you make on the outside), and again the behavior will be
the same for both models.

I agree that this behavior is rather subtle.  I'm not sure what a better
solution would be...

Perhaps a reasonable alternative design would be to make the default width
0 for all connections, and when there is no other basis for determining the
width, infer it to be 1.

I've cc'd Haiyang Zheng, who most recently worked on this inference engine,
for comments on whether this makes sense.


At 12:43 AM 1/4/2006 +0100, Andre wrote:
If I have a CompositeActor containing just an input port and a display sink and connect that to a DE domain model it gives other results than connecting the display directly. See attached moml for an example.
Can someone tell me if this is intended and why. How can I avoid that?

Edward A. Lee
Professor, Chair of the EE Division, Associate Chair of EECS
231 Cory Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720
phone: 510-642-0253 or 510-642-0455, fax: 510-642-2845

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