Hi Vincent,

I went ahead and made a number of fixes to the JNI facility
and it now works much better under Windows with Cygwin.

1) Set up a launcher, which solves the JNI/Cygwinw problem 
Details are below.

2) Fixed the configuration so that now instead of there
being a separate JNI menu choice, one just drags in a JNICodeGenerator.
When one clicks on the JNICodeGenerator, it brings up a window
that has buttons that displays the build output.

3) Added a separate configuration dialog for GenericJNIActor.
If one double clicks on the GenericJNIActor, a custom dialog pops up.
This dialog has two buttons, one to bring up the standard 
parameter configuration window and another to configure the 
native method arguments

4) A number of fixes so that the native method arguments are
preserved and the topology is recreated.

These changes are checked in to the Ptolemy II CVS repository,
see http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/ptexternal.
If you are trying to use JNI, you should definitely use
the CVS version, the Ptolemy II 4.0 and 5.0 versions are

The details about the launcher are summarized below:
> Ok, I got around to trying the Java Launcher for JNI
> programs that was described in
> http://elliotth.blogspot.com/2005/08/porting-jni-code-to-win32-with-cygwin.html
> I downloaded some C code from
> http://software.jessies.org/terminator/
> checked it in to ptII/jni/launcher and after a little cleaning, I
> was able to run the meaningOfLife demo under Windows.
> The launcher program is a C program that invokes
> Java that then allows Java to invoke JNI programs
> under Cygwin.  Without this launcher program, under Windows
> with Cygwin, any Ptolemy model that uses the JNI actors or
> the Ptolemy Matlab actor exits violently.
> The launcher program takes an argument that names the 
> class with a slash separated name.  Also, thee class path
> must be passed in as a property.
> For example, to run "vergil -jni", we do:
> $PTII/jni/launcher/launcher -Djava.class.path="$PTII" 
> ptolemy/vergil/VergilApplication -jni
> The launcher can be used to solve the problems we were
> having with Viptos under Windows.
> Also, it should help with the Matlab interface.
> One side effect is that since we now need a custom launcher for the
> Matlab actor, the InstallAnywhere LaunchAnywhere binary is probably
> not going to cut it for us. This means will need a new installer.  If
> we don't need the Matlab actor, then InstallAnywhere can still be
> used.


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