Hi JS,
Thanks for your comments to my comments on the wiki, I made some
further updates.

The wiki is at

> Hi,
> This is JS from the Drone group. First, thanks a lot for your quick and 
> extensive answer: we are currently running again through each point and 
> we will address them soon.
> I have a quick question. We're currently trying to strip out Ptolemy 
> II's code to keep only the essential, core classes/packages.
> We have managed to isolate the ptolemy.kernel* classes and packages 
> except for ptolemy.kernel.test package, which had dependencies on some 
> GUI classes.
> We're now trying to bring the ptolemy.actor packages in. In order for 
> this to compile, we had to include the following packages:
> * ptolemy.data
> * ptolemy.math
> * ptolemy.moml
> * ptolemy.graph
> * ptolemy.util
> There are a few problems now:
> * The ptolemy.moml.MoMLParser has a dependency on com.microstar.xml 
> classes. Are these classes open-source? Do they fall under the same 
> licence as Ptolemy II? Do we really need this class?

See ptII/com/microstar/xml/README.txt
This is the AElred parse which has this license:
AElfred, Version 1.1
Microstar's Java-Based XML Parser
Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 by Microstar Software Ltd.
Home Page: http://www.microstar.com/XML/

AElfred is free for both commercial and non-commercial use and
redistribution, provided that Microstar's copyright and disclaimer are
retained intact.  You are free to modify AElfred for your own use and
to redistribute AElfred with your modifications, provided that the
modifications are clearly documented.


This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  Please use it AT

We've talked about using a different parser, but have not yet done
that.  The parser is required by ptolemy.moml.  You can build
and run models in Java without it, but the ChangeRequest mechanism
sometimes uses MoML in various places.  In otherwords, MoML is not
part of the core, but is _almost_ required.

> * The same question goes for ptolemy.moml.jxta.JXTALibrary, that needs 
> the net.jxta.
Jxta is not required.  You should not require it.

> * The ptolemy.data.unit.BasicEdgeHighlighter class depends on diva. Can 
> we remove it this class?
That class should probably be moved into a separate package, like
I submitted a bug

This class can either be removed or moved.

> * The ptolemy.data.unit.UnitLibrary class depends on 
> ptolemy.actor.gui.MoMLApplication. We want to remove the 
> ptolemy.actor.gui packages because they have GUI-specific dependencies. 
> The UnitLibrary class seems important for compiling the rest of the 
> core, but this dependency transfers GUI-dependency to the core. What 
> about this unit package? Do we really need this for actors to work? Why?

UnitLibrary uses MoMLApplication.specToURL() to find
ptolemy/data/unit/SI.xml.  I modified UnitLibrary to use
ptolemy.util.FileUtilities.nameToURL().  Thus, UnitLibrary no
longer depends on ptolemy.actor.gui.

The unit package is used by ptolemy.data.ScalarToken, so short of
editing ptolemy.data.ScalarToken, the unit package is required.


> Thanks,
> -- 
> J. S. Senécal
> http://drone.ws
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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