> It would be a good usability enhancement to just be able to double-click
> on an Actor and see all the configurable properties.  Having to use the
> context menu is a bit frustrating.

The Kepler Project (http://www.kepler-project.org) 
uses parts of Ptolemy and they have various plans to have one tabbed
window that will have the various settings.
The Vergil UI evolved into its current state.  It would be nice
to have the parameters, ports and units on one window.

> Rather than having to expand all the little folders in the left pane
> in Vergil, it would be much nicer to just have a list and be able to drag
> from the list.
> Perhaps instead of a list you could provide a table that showed various
> attributes of the items and allowed sorting by clicking column headers
> to make it easier to find a particular item.

Kepler has a search mechanism which helps greatly here.  

We'd like to have similar features in Ptolemy, but this is production
work, not research, so it is difficult to get funding for it or
convince students to do this work instead of doing research.
I'd really like to have a search mechanism.

Fortunately, we recently received some funding for software
development and have been spending some time tuning performance for
large models.

The Ptolemy UI could use some cleanup, I see the Kepler work as a step
in the right direction.

Many thanks for the suggestions, it is valuable for us to hear
a fresh perspective on using Vergil.


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