hello Ms Cheong,
Thanks for the reply. opts example files were
very helpful. still, I need more information
regarding this file as there were more than just
-I switches in them. i also saw keywords like
"include" and some environment variables set(if
i'm not mistaken). is there any reference i can
read on what this file can contain(and what not)
i googled opts but didn't get much.
thank you 

--- Elaine Cheong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> In order for nc2moml to successfully compile
> any given .nc file, there
> must be an "opts" file in the same directory
> that specifies the
> correct include paths (using the -I flag), so
> that nc2moml can find
> any necessary dependencies (otherwise it uses
> the default paths that
> the nesC compiler uses).  If the opts file does
> not exist, or is not
> fully specified, then the .nc file will not
> compile succesfully.
> Unfortunately, many directories in contrib do
> not follow this standard
> (which is used in many parts of the main tos
> branch), so you will
> probably have to create these by hand.  The
> .tar.gz file that you
> unzip (with unzip-opts.sh) when setting up
> nc2moml contains some opts
> files that were created by hand by David Gay
> for the main branch.  You
> can use that as an example.  You can usually
> extract the correct paths
> from a makefile in the same directory, since
> this is the usual
> alternative way that people use to specify
> paths.
> I suggest that you read the following pages for
> more information:
> $PTII/ptolemy/domains/ptinyos/util/
> ncapp2moml is not the same as nc2moml. 
> ncapp2moml compiles whole
> TinyOS applications, rather than individual .nc
> files.  You'll have to
> look at the .java source code for these tools
> to understand how they
> work and/or read the .htm pages above.
> You can run both the nc2moml and ncapp2moml
> scripts with a -v option
> in order to get more detailed debugging output.
> Elaine
> On Dec 23, 2007 10:04 AM, Christopher Brooks
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Wahid,
> > I have no hints for you.  I'm not that
> familiar
> > with Viptos.  You would need to apply
> standard debugging
> > techniques.  One thing to make sure is that
> you are
> > using the version of PtinyOS underwhich
> Viptos was
> > developed.
> >
> > _Christopher
> > --------
> >
> >     Hello Mr.Christopher,
> >     Thanks for the reply.
> >     yes it worked fine,
> >     now i'v gone further to convert a more
> serious
> >     applications.
> >     Among the projects in the contrib dir of
> TOS1, i
> >     picked vigilnet(from UVA)which has over
> 15
> >     sub-directories full of .nc file, most of
> which
> >     could not be compiled successfully!!! in
> fact,i
> >     would be less confused if none of the
> project
> >     files were compiled :) is there anything
> in the
> >     files that nc2moml cannot compile?
> >     any sort of hints would be highly
> appreciated.
> >
> >     thanks
> >
> >     wahid
> >
> >     --- Christopher Brooks
> >     wrote:
> >
> >     > Hi Wahid,
> >     >
> >     > Errno 2 usually means "File not found"
> >     >
> >     > Does /usr/PTII/bin/.ncapp2moml-util
> >     > exist and is it executable?
> >     >
> >     >
> >     > I have:
> >     >
> >     > bash-3.00$ ls -l
> $PTII/bin/.ncapp2moml-util
> >     > lrwxrwxrwx   1 cxh      labstaff      
> 8 Dec 15
> >     > 02:42
> /home/eecs/cxh/ptII/bin/.ncapp2moml-util
> >     > -> ptinvoke
> >     >
> >     >
> >     > If you don't have .ncapp2moml-util,
> then you
> >     > will need to run
> >     > configure and make.
> >     >
> >     > See the installation instructions.
> >     >
> >     > The short form is
> >     >   cd $PTII
> >     >   ./configure
> >     >   cd bin
> >     >   make
> >     >
> >     >
> >     >
> >     > To debug this, you could try running
> the
> >     > command by hand.
> >     >
> >     > _Christopher
> >     >
> >     > --------
> >     >
> >     >     Hi,
> >     >     I am trying to run apps/Blink in
> >     > viptos.(the demo
> >     >     is already there in place but i
> wanna
> >     > experience
> >     >     the conversion myself)
> >     >     So i run the following command:
> >     >
> >     >     ./ncapp2moml apps/Blink
> >     >
> >     >     I got an error as the result :
> >     >
> >     >     system "apps/Blink" failed: 2 at
> >     >
> >     >
> >    
> >     >     line 158
> >     >
> >     >     I went to the above mentioned line
> in that
> >     > file
> >     >     printed the value of
> $ncapp2momlcmd(in case
> >     > you
> >     >     require for debugging):
> >     >
> >     >     /usr/PTII/bin/.ncapp2moml-util
> >     >    
> /usr/PTII/vendors/ptinyos/tinyos-1.x
> >     >     /usr/PTII/vendors/ptinyos/momlapp
> .ncxml
> >     > .opts
> >     >     /usr/PTII/vendors/ptinyos/momlapp
> >     >
> >     >
> >    
> >     >
> >     >
> >    
> >     >     >>
> >     >
> >     >
> >    
> >     >     2>&1
> >     >
> >     >     I appreciate your help.
> >     >     wahid
> >     >
> >     > --------
> >     >
> >
> >
> >
> >          
> >    _______________
> >     Never miss a thing.  Make Yahoo your home
> page.
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