Hi Dan,
I folded the patches into the Ptolemy II CVS head and into
the rel-7-0-beta-2 branch.

One question I have is your change to ptolemy/matlab/makefile 

<               "-I$(PTJAVA_HOME)/../include" \
>               "-I$(PTJNI_INCLUDE)" \

The above change modified this command:
        "$(PTMATLAB_CC)" \
                "-I$(MATLAB_DIR)/extern/include" \
                "-I$(PTJAVA_HOME)/../include" \
                "-I$(PTJAVA_HOME)/../include/$(PTJNI_ARCHITECTURE)" \

To this:
        "$(PTMATLAB_CC)" \
                "-I$(MATLAB_DIR)/extern/include" \
                "-I$(PTJNI_INCLUDE)" \
                "-I$(PTJAVA_HOME)/../include/$(PTJNI_ARCHITECTURE)" \

                "-I$(PTJAVA_HOME)/../include/$(PTJNI_ARCHITECTURE)" \
                "-I$(PTJNI_INCLUDE)/$(PTJNI_ARCHITECTURE)" \


    Hi Christopher,
    Attached are a set of patches for building the Matlab actor
    on a Mac. Let me know if you have questions.
    Christopher Brooks wrote:
    > Hi Ilkay,
    > You might be able to change variables in ptII/mk/ptII.mk for 
    > MacOSX.  You could also update configure, but that takes a little
    > doing.  If you tell me what variables you change, we can
    > iterate offline on getting configure.in updated.
    > I don't have a Mac on which to test the Matlab code.
    > In general, JNI is rather difficult to get working, so it could
    > be a big time sink.  How I would work on this is by looking at
    > the tests in $PTII/jni/test/.  If you can get 
    >     cd $PTII/jni/test;
    >     make
    > to work, then JNI will be working and you can focus on the Matlab
    > portion.
    > I'm dumbfounded that someone somewhere decided that Java should have a
    > different layout on the Mac than under Linux, Solaris and Windows.
    > The fact that Java files are in different locations on just MacOS
    > makes cross platform configuration difficult.  Maybe this critical
    > shortcoming in the port to MacOS has been solved, but last I looked it
    > was a mess.
    > _Christopher
    >     Hi,
    >     I've just tried configuring Ptolemy in order to use the Matlab actor 
    >     in Ptolemy II  on a MacOSX version 10.4.11. It doesn't configure  
    >     because of the different Java directory configuration on Mac Java.
    >     I was wondering if anyone tried rewriting the Matlab configuration  
    >     script on MacOSX before to map the directories in the script to the  
    >     MacOSX java directories. If not, do you think it's worth trying?
    >     Thanks!
    >     -ilkay
    >     -- 
    >     Ilkay ALTINTAS
    >     Lab Director, Scientific Workflow Automation Technologies (SWAT)
    >     San Diego Supercomputer Center(SDSC), UCSD
    >     9500 Gilman Drive, MC: 0505  La Jolla, CA  92093-0505
    >     phone: (858) 822-5453                        fax: (858) 534-8303
    >     web: http://users.sdsc.edu/~altintas
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