You don't actually want attributeChanged() in this case. This is because attributeChanged() signifies real changes of attribute. It should only get called if the attribute is really changed (committed). You don't want this method to fire if the user is only scrolling through or messing around with the list of options while the selection dialog is open, since attributedChanged() may cause side effects.

What you really want is only GUI changes. This would require listening for user events and changes the dialog GUI content. I think this requires a more sophisticated Dialog package than the current PtolemyDialog class. I would be interested in this feature too, if anyone wants to implement this.....


Sapan AGARWAL wrote:
Hi ,
I am trying to update one of the configurable parameters based on the value of another Parameter.For this, within the actor I have implemented the attributeChanged() function which checks if the first parameter has changed. If yes, then I update the second Parameter. But this change is only reflected when I hit the Commit Button and reopen the config dialog box. e.g, If y=0, I set x =2 If y=1 , I set x = 5 Is it possible to update the Parameters dynamically without reopening the config dialog box? Regards,

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