In comp.soft-sys.ptolemy, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Project Group)
posted three messages concerning Ptolemy and Matlab.

I've combined those messages into this message.

> Subject: Ptolemy && matlab
> Hi, we would like to use the matlab code to enhance the simulation
> result in the vergil. 

Sounds interesting.

> We have set the run enviroment by following the
> web's instruction.  And the test
> "$PTII/ptolemy/matlab/demo/MatlabExpression/MatlabExpression.xml" also
> successfully run.
> Our problem is: Is there any API for the use of this interface? We
> are not sure the way of linking matlab and Ptolemy actor-
> MatlabExpression.

Ptolemy II 2.0.1 contains an interface to Matlab written by Zoltan
Kemenczy and others at Research In Motion, Ltd.
The Ptolemy II/Matlab interface uses the Java Native Interface (JNI)
to pass values from Java to the C based Matlab dynamic library.

See $PTII/ptolemy/matlab/ 
for details about the API.
Online, the source can be found at
and the javadoc output at

The second message was
> Subject: how can the Actor-- MatlabExpression link to a matlab .m file????

> How can we configure the MatlabExpression Actor so as to link a
> matlab m file?
> Also how to configure the directory/path of the m file??

> Subject: Ptolemy and Matlab

> From the previous message, "So, you could develop m-files in Matlab
> and then call that code from a Ptolemy actor." I would like to know,
> what are the steps of executing this actor??
  [Info from my earlier post about Matlab, where I [cxh] say:]
> > So, you could develop m-files in Matlab and then call that code
> > from a Ptolemy actor.

I had not actually developed a m-file and called it using the Matlab
interface, but it can be done.


  A Parameter named <i>packageDirectories</i> may be added to this actor
  to augment the matlab engine's search path during the firing of this
  actor. The value of this parameter should evaluate to a StringToken,

      "path1, path2, ..."
  containing a comma-separated list of paths to be prepended to the matlab
  engine search path before <i>expression</i> is evaluated. The list may
  contain paths relative to the directory in which ptolemy was started,
  or any directory listed in the current classpath (in that order, first
  match wins). See {@link}.
  After evaluation, the previous search path is restored.<p>

This suggests that by adding a packageDirectories parameter, we
can cause Matlab to search in our directories for our m-file.

I was able to do this by creating a simple SDF model that looks like:


I first added a port called input to the Expression actor and set
the expression to
and verified that everything worked

I then added a packageDirectories parameter to
ptolemy.matlab.Expression actor by double clicking on the actor and
adding the parameter

    Name: packageDirectories
    Default value:

I changed the value of the expression and the packageDirectories to
    expression: output=mFileTest(input);
    packageDirectories: "c:/cxh"

I then created c:/cxh/mFileTest.m that contains:

    function t = mFileTest(varargin)
        t=varargin{1} * 3.0; 

When I run the model, my mFileTest.m is found and the mFileTest
function is found in it and the input is multiplied by 3.0

Note that I have very little experience using Matlab, so there are
probably bettery ways to do this.

The Ptolemy II 2.0.1 model I used is below:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE entity PUBLIC "-//UC Berkeley//DTD MoML 1//EN"
<entity name="mFileTest" class="">
    <property name="_createdBy"
    class="ptolemy.kernel.util.VersionAttribute" value="2.0.1">
    <property name="_vergilSize"
    class="" value="[600, 400]">
    <property name="_vergilLocation"
    class="" value="[104, 126]">
    <property name="SDF Director"
        <property name="Scheduler"
        <property name="iterations"
        class="" value="5">
        <property name="vectorizationFactor"
        class="" value="1">
        <property name="_location" class="ptolemy.moml.Location"
        value="75.0, 45.0">
    <entity name="Ramp" class="">
        <property name="firingCountLimit"
        class="" value="0">
        <property name="init" class=""
        <property name="step" class=""
        <doc>Create a sequence of tokens with increasing value</doc>
        <property name="_location" class="ptolemy.moml.Location"
        value="95.0, 185.0">
        <port name="output" class="">
            <property name="output"/>
        <port name="trigger" class="">
            <property name="input"/>
            <property name="multiport"/>
    <entity name="MatlabExpression" class="ptolemy.matlab.Expression">
        <property name="expression"
        <property name="_icon"
            <property name="attributeName"
            <property name="displayWidth"
            class="" value="60">
        <property name="_location" class="ptolemy.moml.Location"
        value="215.0, 185.0">
        <property name="packageDirectories"
        <port name="output" class="">
            <property name="output"/>
            <property name="_type" class=""
        <port name="input" class="">
            <property name="input"/>
            <property name="_type" class=""
    <entity name="Display" class="">
        <property name="rowsDisplayed"
        class="" value="10">
        <property name="columnsDisplayed"
        class="" value="40">
        <property name="title"
        <property name="_location" class="ptolemy.moml.Location"
        value="400.0, 185.0">
        <port name="input" class="">
            <property name="input"/>
            <property name="multiport"/>
    <relation name="relation2" class="">
    <relation name="relation" class="">
    <link port="Ramp.output" relation="relation2"/>
    <link port="MatlabExpression.output" relation="relation"/>
    <link port="MatlabExpression.input" relation="relation2"/>
    <link port="Display.input" relation="relation"/>

BTW - We modified the Ptolemy II FAQ

 1.3 How are Ptolemy II and Matlab/Simulink different?
    Ptolemy II has very little in common with Matlab, which is a
    textual, imperative, interactive, scientific programming
    language. Ptolemy II works with Matlab, thanks to an interface
    developed by Zoltan Kemenczy and others at Research In Motion,
    Ltd. See

    Ptolemy II has much more in common with Simulink, which is a
    graphical block-diagram language, originally developed for control
    system design. Simulink has a rich and expressive model of
    computation with continuous-time semantics and support for
    periodic discrete-time signals. Some of its principles have been
    incorporated in the CT (continuous-time) domain of Ptolemy II, but
    not all. The CT domain, for example, does not have the notion of
    "sample time" (which in Simulink provides the periodic
    discrete-time support) nor the support for algebraic loops. There
    is also currently no code generation support in CT (in Simulink,
    this is provided through the associated product Real-Time
    Workshop). Also, the CT domain has implemented fewer ODE solvers
    than those provided by Simulink and has a smaller actor library.

    Ptolemy II and Simulink both support extension of the actor
    library through well-defined interfaces (in Simulink, this is
    called the S-function interface). However, Ptolemy II is a more
    open architecture in that its infrastructure is open source, and
    the interfaces to the core mechanisms in the software are
    published and documented. The persistent file format (MoML) is XML
    in Ptolemy II, which makes it both more verbose and more portable
    than the Simulink syntax (MDL files). Simulink supports one model
    of computation, whereas Ptolemy II supports several, and can be
    extended with new models of computation. Simulink can also be
    extended, as for example it has been with the associated product
    Stateflow, which supports state-machine modeling. But in Simulink,
    the extension is done by defining new blocks using the S-function
    interface. As such, additional models of computation added this
    way are second class. For example, they cannot define the model of
    computation at the top level of the hierarchy, and cannot contain
    Simulink models within their own components. 


Christopher Hylands    [EMAIL PROTECTED]  University of California
Programmer/Analyst Chess/Ptolemy/GSRC         US Mail: 558 Cory Hall #1770
ph: (510)643-9841 fax:(510)642-2739           Berkeley, CA 94720-1770
home: (510)526-4010, (707)665-0131            (office: 400A Cory)

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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