At 12:22 PM 2/21/2003 -0800, Jim Kleckner wrote:
Could someone explain how "Listen to actor" should be
used for debugging?  I would expect it to trace the
events into and out of a composite entity but it brings
up an empty window for me and it stays that way.

Actors can optionally issue debug messages, typically using code like the following:

    if (_debugging) {
        _debug( message here );

However, most actors don't, so listening to a random
actor isn't that useful...

It would be better if, at a minimum, the base classes
used code like this to report invocation of the key
action methods (prefire(), fire(), postfire()).

There are some more complicated actors that do report
useful things here (like Clock).

You can right click on a port and select "listen to
port" to watch the data in and out of it.


Edward A. Lee, Professor
518 Cory Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720
phone: 510-642-0455, fax: 510-642-2739

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