Hello Robert,

> On Wed, Aug 06, 2008 at 10:54:39PM +0200, Remy Bohmer wrote:
>> I use the latest trunk version (8721) now and I noticed one thing:
>> It seems that the target images are _always_ build from the ipk files
>> in a temporary directory, and no longer from the tree in the
>> <ptx-project>/root directory.
> This has been so since ages.

I always used 1.0.2, which worked that way, and 1.0.2 is not that old...

A difference here is now the <ptx-project>/root was used to generate
the images from, now the ipk packages are extracted into a temporary
working directory from which the images are build
So, <ptx-project>/root != images-working-dir.

The <ptx-project>/root seems not to be used anymore, why is it still generated?

>> I used this mechanism to shoot in some additional
>> files/scripts/user-applications in the <ptx-project>/root directories,
>> not related to any packages, just before the 'ptxdist images' build
>> phase. This way I always got complete images with all my custom files
>> in it.
> You can make your own package; go into rules/ in your project workspace
> and use 'ptxdist newpacket target' to create a packet; make sure your
> .in file is included, for example from the toplevel Kconfig file in your
> project workspace. Then use the $(install_copy ...) macros to install
> your local files and everything works magically :-)

I know how it works to create my own packages, hence the patches I
posted earlier this week ;-)
But, maybe converting it to a new package gives too much overhead. I
have to look into it.
Previously there was a directory called projectroot that became part
of the target images, maybe I should rebuild that option.
Otherwise I will find another solution how to solve this.

If I figure out something generic, you will hear about it.

Kind Regards,


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