On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 08:07:02AM +0200, Bernhard Walle wrote:
> It's much simpler: My check whether the build fix has been integrated
> upstream was wrong.
> However, I also recognised that the runtime files (including the
> interactive help) is not installed. The new patch version installs
> these. While we can discuss if it makes sense to have the help file on
> the target (maybe an option?), we definitively need the runtime files,
> e.g. the Postscript files if EPS should be generated.
> Should I make configuratino options to disable some formats that need
> runtime files? When generating SVG (what is what I am doing) I don't
> need HTML5 runtime files. However, in my case it doesn't matter because
> my space is quite unlimited.

Yes, definitively options for each format. Not sure about the help files.
If you need them add an option.


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