Hi Christoph,

> >  STRONGSWAN_URL             := 
> > http://download.strongswan.org/$(STRONGSWAN).$(STRONGSWAN_SUFFIX)
> Changing here to https to get this security related package would be nice.

Yes, I just tested https and it works flawlessly.
I will send it as a new patch so it's highlighted in ptxdist short log, that 
packages should preferably be downloaded from https/ftps urls.

> By the way, is there any work in the pipe to get PGP-Signature verification 
> into ptxdist instead of "md5summing"? 

Yes, PGP-signature verification could be nice. Would you bundle all public keys 
in ptxdist git repo?

An easy step stone could be to add SHA256 hash support in ptxdist. 

Pseudo code:
if STRONGSWAN_SHA256 exist:
        hash = sha256sum STRONGSWAN_SOURCE
        return (hash == STRONGSWAN_SHA256)
        hash = md5sum STRONGSWAN_SOURCE
        return (hash == STRONGSWAN_MD5)

After looking at how the md5 hash check is performed, I think it's easier to 
add sha256 hashes to all rules and then change hash function.

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