Hi all,

I'm having the same issue as described.  Is there meanwhile any other
solution but the ones subscribed?

Kind regards,


On 6 March 2014 at 19:03, Michael Olbrich <m.olbr...@pengutronix.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Mon, Mar 03, 2014 at 01:13:00PM +0100, Alexander Dahl wrote:
>> while trying the local_src feature (local_src/${PACKAGE}.{PLATFORM})
>> which is actually really cool, I came across a problem with the
>> automatic tarball creation from Git URLs. ptxd_make_get.sh uses `git
>> archive` for this purpose which does not support git submodules. There
>> are several scripts around the web by people who needed this in the past
>> and although there were feature requests and even patches years ago in
>> git, it's still not included mainline. :-(
>> The possibilities I see are these:
>> * waiting probably very long for a new git release with git archive
>> supporting submodules
>> * replace the use of submodules in the repositories I want to use with
>> something else, maybe git subtree
>> * scripting this and change ptxd_make_get.sh which could be quite
>> complicated
>  * create a tarball for each repository and extract all in a custom extract
>    stage.
> Take a look at e.g. host-tz-database on how to handle multiple tarballs.
>> For the third possibility: I would suggest cloning the repo with the
>> --mirror option into a --bare repository almost like it's done now. Then
>> do a `git clone --recursive` to a temporary folder followed by a
>> checkout to the desired tag. Make a tarball from this clone and remove
>> the directory right afterwards. The git url support was introduced in
>> June 2013 by Michael Olbrich and not touch since. Did anyone try to
>> improve it in any way? Would a change in the proposed direction have
>> chances to be accepted by the ptxdist developers? It would make the code
>> more complex I guess.
> 'git archive' always creates the exact same tarball. It's not that easy to
> do the same thing manually. I'd like to avoid too much complexity here.
> But I'd be open for a patch that puts the 'git archive' call in a separate
> function. Then you only need to overwrite this function locally in your
> BSP with a special version that handles submodules.
> Michael
> --
> Pengutronix e.K.                           |                             |
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